VBA CDbl Function – Purpose, Syntax and Arguments Syntax: The syntax for the CDbl function is as follows: CDbl(Value) Where ‘Value’ is the value that you want to convert into a double-precision floating-point number. Arguments: Value: This is the value that you want to convert into ...
To practically understand how to use the VBA CDBL function, you need to go through the below example where we have written a vba code by using it:Sub example_CDBL() Range("B1").Value = CDbl(Range("A1") * Range("A2")) End Sub...
The VBA CSng and CDbl functions convert a numeric value to a floating-point number.Usage:CSng(value)CDbl(value)Example of UsageUsing the CSng function to convert different types of numeric values (in this case, the CDbl function returns the same results):...
把str变量转换成 double 双精度浮点型 数据类型
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