theDBA_PDBSandCDB_DATA_FILESviews to show the name and location of each data file for all of the PDBs in a CDB, including the CDB seed. 这说明cdb_data_files确实有pdb$seed的信息。 在MOS中,文档(1940806.1) PDB$SEED Datafiles Not Appear In CDB_DATA_FILES 介绍是参数EXCLUDE_SEED_CDB_VIEW ...
theDBA_PDBSandCDB_DATA_FILESviews to show the name and location of each data file for all of the PDBs in a CDB, including the CDB seed. 这说明cdb_data_files确实有pdb$seed的信息。 在MOS中,文档(1940806.1) PDB$SEED Datafiles Not Appear In CDB_DATA_FILES 介绍是参数EXCLUDE_SEED_CDB_VIEW ...
(cdbfasta and cdbyank) that can be used for creating indices for quick retrieval of any particular sequences from large multi-FASTA files. The last version has the option to compress data records in order to save space. The index files are now architecture independent, the same index file ...
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ratio of compressed file size to the size of the expanded data. this may indicate that the file is used to inflate memory usage and thus could pose a security risk. you can adjust this limit via zipsecurefile.setmininflateratio() if you need to work with files which exceed this limit....
Devey, Colin W; Bleil, Ulrich (2013): Swath sonar multibeam bathymetry during SONNE cruise SO84 with links to raw data files. Department of Geosciences, Bremen University, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.820003doi:doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.820003Devey, Colin W...
<parameter id="Kmax" value="3.2" constant="false" units="per_hour"/> <parameter id="EC50k" value="3" constant="false" units="mg_per_kg"/> <parameter id="EC50k" value="0.5" constant="false" units="mg_per_kg"/> <parameter id="gamma" value="3.8" constant="false" units="dime...
use LF instead of CR+LF for all python files Browse files master (mvdctop/Movie_Data_Capture#155) 4.4.1 … 2.8.3 jnozsc committed Mar 9, 2020 1 parent c22863e commit 8d60cdb Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 0 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified 1 ...