The CDA-2990 helps you synchronize systems that include USRP Software Defined Radio Devices. It accepts both external 10 MHz and pulse-per-second (PPS) input signals and amplifies and distributes the signals to eight output ports. The CDA-2990 is available in a configuration for distributing ext...
OctoClock是一款兼容USRP的附件,可让您轻松同步多达8个USRP无线电。可以组合多个OctoClock设备,以同步大量USRP无线电。 OctoClock-G是一款带有附加GPSDO模块的OctoClock。 在本常见问题解答中,我们将使用“OctoClock”来指代任何一个名称,除非有特定需要使用任一名称。 我什么时候会使用八角钟? OctoClock可用于同步高通道数...
国立工程实验室CDA-2990 8通道时钟分布系统用户手册说明书 Letter of Volatility CDA-2990 April 2017 Notice: This document is subject to change without notice.Contact: 866-275-6964 376239B-01 Rev 001 For the most recent version, visit*** Manufacturer: National Instruments Board ...
商品名称:德维创OctoClock-G CDA-2990 商品编号:100107981870 类型:其他 检测方式:其他 系列:其他 外观:其它 外壳材料:其它 更多参数>> 售后保障 厂家服务 本商品质保期周期1年质保,在此时间范围内可提交维修申请,具体请以厂家服务为准。 京东承诺 京东平台卖家销售并发货的商品,由平台卖家提供发票和相应的售后服务...
This page provides dimensional drawings for the CDA-2990. 2D Dimensional Drawings PDF DXF 3D CAD Models PRT STP IGS Product Support Resources Manuals Find complete product documentation to learn how to get started and use the product. Support Library ...
OctoClock CDA-2990是一种价格合理、高精度的定时参考和分配系统。对于希望构建同步到共同时钟源的多通道系统的用户来说,这是一个非常有用的附件。例如,可以使用OctoClock CDA-2990来同步USRP N210s系统以实现一致操作。这可以使相控阵应用,如波束形成,超分辨率定向,分集组合,或MIMO收发器设计。 OctoClock CDA-2990分发...
USRP CDA2990G.用于usrp的GPSDO模块#通信 - @东枫于20240107发布在抖音,已经收获了2758个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
The OctoClock CDA-2990 is an affordable solution for high-accuracy time and frequency reference distribution. This is a useful accessory for users that would like to build multi-channel systems that are synchronized to a common timing source. For example, the OctoClock CDA-2990 can be used to ...
* add option includeMessage * fix version * refine item locmaster (#53) crimson-gao authored Nov 15, 2023 Verified 1 parent 1d945d6 commit cda2990 Showing 6 changed files with 32 additions and 7 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified READ...
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