[1]Elewaut A, Estivill G, Bayerl F, et al. Cancer cells impair monocyte-mediated T cell stimulation to evade immunity[J]. Nature, 2024. [2]Campana S, De Pasquale C, Carrega P, et al. Cross-dressing: an alt...
Table 1 Clinical trials of CD8+T cell-based cancer immunotherapy Full size table Nevertheless, albeit immunotherapy demonstrated tremendous success in oncological treatment, a relatively small fraction of patients with cancers, especially solid tumors, responded to a diversity of immunotherapies [6,7]. ...
The basics of cancer immunotherapy is to initiate and optimize the key procedures in the innate or acquired immune system, including but not limited to, surveillance, identification, and elimination of tumors [1]. The ultimate executors of acquired cellular immunity, i.e., CD8+T cells, are exc...
The functions of, and interactions between, the innate and adaptive immune systems are vital for anticancer immunity. Cytotoxic T cells expressing cell-surface CD8 are the most powerful effectors in the anticancer immune response and form the backbone of current successful cancer immunotherapies. Immune...
2024年8月15日,杜文静教授课题组在Molecular cell杂志发表了题为Malic Enzyme 2 maintains metabolic state and anti-tumor immunity of CD8+T cells(苹果酸酶2维持CD8+T细胞的代谢稳态和抗肿瘤免疫能力)的研究论文。 在该研究工作中,研究人员首先构建了苹果酸酶2(ME2)T细胞条件性基因敲除小鼠(CD4-Cre;ME2fl/flmic...
CD8-positive T cells are a critical subpopulation of MHC class I-restricted T cell and are mediators of adaptive immunity. They include cytotoxic T cells, which are important for killing cancerous or virally infected cells, and CD8-positive suppressor T cells, which restrain certain types of im...
2024年8月15日,杜文静教授课题组在Molecular cell杂志发表了题为Malic Enzyme 2 maintains metabolic state and anti-tumor immunity of CD8+ T cells(苹果酸酶2维持CD8+ T细胞的代谢稳态和抗肿瘤免疫能力) 的研究论文。 在该研究工作中,研究人员首先构建了苹果酸酶2(ME2) T细胞条件性基因敲除小鼠 (CD4-Cre;ME2...
2024年3月,中国科学技术大学朱书及潘文共同通讯在Immunity(IF 32.4)在线发表题为“Bile acids modified by the intestinal microbiota promote colorectal cancer growth by suppressing CD8+ T cell effector functions”的研究论文,该研究筛选了一个肠道微生物衍生代谢物库,并确定脱氧胆酸(DCA)是CD8+ T细胞效应功能的负...
2024年8月15日,杜文静教授课题组在Molecular cell杂志发表了题为Malic Enzyme 2 maintains metabolic state and anti-tumor immunity of CD8+T cells(苹果酸酶2维持CD8+T细胞的代谢稳态和抗肿瘤免疫能力)的研究论文。 在该研究工作中,研究人员首先构建了苹果酸酶2(ME2) T细胞条件性基因敲除小鼠(CD4-Cre;ME2fl/fl...
Correlation between type 17 immunity and T cell exhaustion in human cancer was evaluated by interrogating TCGA dataset. Results Depletion of CD4 T cells promotes the exhaustion of CD8 T cells with a concomitant increase in IL-17-producing CD8 T (Tc17) cells in the tumor. Unlike IFN-γ-...