在免疫学和医学领域,CD8分子常作为T细胞表面的抗原标记物,被用于T细胞流式检测。CD8检测有助于某些感染性疾病、免疫性疾病的诊断与治疗。参考文献:● Aichele, Peter et al. Immunopathology caused by impaired CD8+ T-cell responses. European journal of immunology, 2022 .● Zhang, Nu, and Michael J Be...
近日,来自德国慕尼黑工业大学的Jan P. Bottcher团队在Cancer Cell杂志上发表了一篇题为 A distinct stimulatory cDC1 subpopulation amplifies CD8+ T cell responses in tumors for protective anti-cancer immunity 的文章,他们使用基于成像的深度学习方法来确定肿瘤内cDC1-CD8+T细胞群是保护性抗癌免疫的一个独特特征...
近日,加州大学旧金山分校的Matthew H. Spitzer团队在Cell上发表题为Dynamic CD8+ T cell responses to cancer immunotherapy in human regional lymph nodes are disrupted in metastatic lymph nodes的文章中,研究人员综合运用单细胞技术:single-cell analyses by mass cytometry (CyTOF)、single-cell RNA sequencing and...
近日,约翰·霍普金斯大学医学院的Michael Lim团队在Immunity杂志上发表了文章The cytokine Meteorin-like inhibits anti-tumor CD8+ T cell responses by disrupting mitochondrial function,他们证明METRN是肿瘤微环境(TME)中免疫细胞分泌的一...
Spitzer教授在《Cell》发表了题为“Dynamic CD8+ T cell responses to cancer immunotherapy in human regional lymph nodes are disrupted in metastatic lymph nodes”的文章。传统的固有免疫刺激CD8+ T细胞是介导免疫检测点抑制治疗的中枢效应细胞。小鼠研究发现,免疫检测点抑制需要次级淋巴器官中的CD8+ T细胞响应。
近日,约翰·霍普金斯大学医学院的Michael Lim团队在Immunity杂志上发表了文章The cytokine Meteorin-like inhibits anti-tumor CD8+ T cell responses by disrupting mitochondrial function,他们证明METRN是肿瘤微环境(TME)中免疫细胞分泌的一种代谢活性细胞因子,可促进TME中TIL功能减退。从机制上讲,METRNL增加了PPARδ活性...
Fig. 4: CD8+T cell responses towards HLA-B*07:02-, HLA-B*08:01 and HLA-B*35:01-restricted IBV epitopes. aRepresentative FACS plots of IFN-γ and TNF production by CD8+T cells after restimulation with C1R.B*07:02, C1R.B*08:01, C1R.B*35:01 or C1R cells pulsed with immunogenic...
Chestnut Studying 摘要 Antitumor responses of CD8+ T cells are tightly regulated by distinct metabolic fitness. High levels of glutathione (GSH) are observed in the majority of tumors, contributing …
2023年10月19日,上海交通大学邹强、孙加源、赵任及叶幼琼共同通讯(张月榕、于晓彦和包汝娟为该论文的共同第一作者)在Cell Metabolism(IF=29)在线发表题为“Dietary fructose-mediated adipocyte metabolism drives antitumor CD8+T cell re...
基于上述背景,美国加利福尼亚大学的Matthew H. Spitzer教授研究团队使用了CyTOF对10例患者的肿瘤和淋巴结组织进行了检测,并在《Cell》(IF=64.5)上发表了研究成果,文章题为“Dynamic CD8+ T cell responses to cancer immunotherapy in human regional lymph nodes are disrupted in metastatic lymph nodes” 。CyTOF质...