Eades-Pemer, A.-M., Thompson, J., van der Putten, H., and Zimmermann, W., Mice transgenic for the human CGM6 gene express its product, the granulocyte marker CD66b, exclusively in granulocytes. Blood , 91, 663–672 (1998).
11729-H27H-B 表达宿主:HEK293 Cells Recombinant Human CEACAM-8/CD66b Protein (His Tag), HPLC-verified 11729-H08H 表达宿主:HEK293 Cells 1 CEACAM-8/CD66b 抗体 (7) 应用: 所有应用 克隆类型: 所有克隆类型 宿主: 所有宿主 Anti-CEACAM-8/CD66b Antibody (APC), Mouse Monoclonal ...
and a 286 aa CEACAM-8 region containing one V-type and two C2-type Ig-like domains. A homologue for CEACAM-8 has not been identified in the mice or rats. Activation enhances surface expression of CEACAM-8 and is an activation marker in human neutrophils and eosinophils. Engagement of CEACA...
(ALL). CEACAM8(CD66b) is also an activation marker for human granulocytes. However, its biological functions are largely unknown in eosinophils. It has been reported that CD66b is highly expressed on the surface of human peripheral blood eosinophils isolated from healthy individuals. Engagement of...
Here we report the identification of human CD66b−CD64dimCD115− neutrophil-committed progenitor cells (NCPs) within the SSCloCD45dimCD34+ and CD34dim/− subsets in the bone marrow. NCPs were either CD45RA+ or CD45RA−, and in vitro experiments s
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肿瘤标志物 (tumormarker,TM)是指在恶性肿瘤发生和增殖过程中,由肿瘤细胞的基因表达而合成分泌的或由机体对肿瘤反应而异常产生和 (或 )升高的,反映肿瘤存在和生长的一类物质。 TM 对肿瘤的存在具有重要的提示意义,越来越多的血液 TM 成为肿瘤早期诊断研究...
Moeiteloos gegevens markeren, filteren en sorteren met Copilot in Excel Als u complexe statistische of technische analyses wilt ontwikkelen, kunt u stappen en tijd besparen met analysis toolPak. U geeft de gegevens en parameters voor elke analyse op en het hulpprogramma gebruikt de juiste ...
目的蛋白用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分离,每孔蛋白上样量为20 μg,预染彩虹蛋白Marker上样量4 μl,先用恒压80 V,待样品跑至分离胶和浓缩胶分界处,将电压调至恒压120 V,时间60 min左右。在恒电流300 mA条件下,约90 min,将分离好的蛋白从凝胶...