CD45RA/CD62L/CD3/CD8,CD3 is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, which acts as a mediator of signal transduction,
一般对Treg的表型是分成naive Treg(FOXP3lo;CD45RA+ ;CD25lo),effector Treg(FOXP3 hi CD45RA - ...
CD45RA/CD62L/CD3/CD4,This antibody was chosen as an isotype control after screening on a variety of live mouse, rat, and human tissues.
ChemicalBook 为您提供CD45RA/CD62L/CD3/CD8 with BD Trucount Tubes的化学性质,熔点,沸点,密度,分子式,分子量,物理性质,毒性,结构式,海关编码等信息,同时您还可以浏览CD45RA/CD62L/CD3/CD8 with BD Trucount Tubes产品的价格,供应商,贸易商,生产企业和生产厂
Na??ve and preterminally differentiated effector memory CD45RA-CD62L- CD8+ T cells did not differ between RA patients and control individuals. The CD45RA-CD62L+ central memory CD4+ T-cell subpopulation was increased in RA patients, whereas the na??ve and effector memory phenotype of CD4+...
CD45RA/CD62L/CD3/CD4 Antibody is a combination antibody which is composed of CD45RA antibody, CD62L antibody, CD3 antibody and CD4 antibody. Other combinations are available. Please contact us at
ChemicalBook 为您提供CD45RA/CD62L/CD3/CD4 with BD Trucount Tubes的化学性质,熔点,沸点,密度,分子式,分子量,物理性质,毒性,结构式,海关编码等信息,同时您还可以浏览CD45RA/CD62L/CD3/CD4 with BD Trucount Tubes产品的价格,供应商,贸易商,生产企业和生产厂
CD4 FITC/CD45RA PC5.5/CD62L PC7/MitoDye/CD8 AC7检测试剂盒(流式细胞仪法),湖南湘奕生物科技有限公司,信息来源药智数据国产器械数据库。
CD45RA和CD45RO是区分初始/记忆细胞的重要表面标志;CD62L是记忆细胞亚群的标志,与淋巴细胞归巢特性相关。通过CD4和CD25将细胞分为CD4+CD25–、CD4+CD25low和CD4+CD25highT细胞,然后分别分析三个细胞亚群的记忆细胞表型特征。经过分析,与CD4+ CD25–和CD4+CD25low细胞相比,CD4+CD25high细胞表面CD45RA的表达下降,而...