•表达低水平的CD57和KIR•T-bet表达降低但Eomes表达正常•未见细胞衰老特征•PD-1和TIM-3等抑制性受体表达未升高 以上种种证据,提示CD56neg NK细胞可能是评估老年人免疫风险的新型标志物。 参考文献:Müller-Durovic B, Grählert J, Devine OP, Akbar AN, Hess C. CD56-negative NK cells with impa...
因此,CD56neg NK 细胞群的增多反映了病毒颠覆 NK 细胞应答的机制。 信源:Müller-Durovic B, Grählert J, Devine OP, Akbar AN, Hess C. CD56-negative NK cells with impaired effector function expand in CMV and EBV co-infected healthy donors with age. ...
为了明确肿瘤微环境对NK细胞的影响,我们将来自健康人的外周血单个核细胞(peripheral blood mononuclear cells, PBMCs)与癌、癌旁和血管瘤组织的组织匀浆共培养了一段时间后进行流式细胞术分析。结果发现,与肿瘤组织匀浆共培养的细胞中N...
Indeed, this was recently suggested for antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells and NK cells in hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients receiving an interferon-free treatment regimen. Mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells are evolutionarily conserved...doi:10.1002/eji.201747450...
CD56neg NK cells had a mature phenotype characterized by low CD57 and KIR expression and lacked characteristics of cell senescence. No changes in their activating NK cell receptor expression, and no upregulation of the negative co-stimulation receptors PD-1 or TIM-3 were observed. In all, our...
in expanding populations of NK cells, EL08.1D2 are most efficient in their ability to significantly induce terminal maturation5. Further, their effectiveness requires direct contact with EL08.1D2 cells5. The contact-dependent factors that make these cells uniquely able to support this terminal stage...
Marker of NK cells and NK lymphomas Detect residual myeloma (Am J Clin Pathol 2009;132:60) and residual AML in bone marrow (Am J Clin Pathol 2008;129:934) Differentiate plasma cells in myeloma (CD56+) from reactive plasmacytosis or MGUS (CD56-, Am J Pathol 2002;160:1293, Am J Cl...
also contains an antibody to human Fc receptor to minimize nonspecific binding. Labeled cells are separated using an EasySep™ magnet without the use of columns. Cells of interest remain in the tube while unwanted cells are poured off. The CD56 antigen is expressed on NK cells and NKT cells...
该研究是非常典型的lncRNA研究思路,其中的lncRNA生物学功能挖掘和表达网络分析也是非常实用的lncRNA功能挖掘思路,非常值得借鉴。 原文出处 Zhang R, Ni F, Fu B, et al. A long noncoding RNA positively regulates CD56 in human natural killer cells.Oncotarget.2016....
During the progression of HIV-1 infection, the down-regulation of PD-1 has a positive effect on restoring the CD4+ T cells pool.17 Natural killer cells (NK cells), as innate immune lymphocytes, play an important role in eliminating virus-infected cells. According to the level of membrane ...