并增加干扰素γ (IFN-g)的产生,以及抑制性调节性T (Treg)细胞的增加。
如下图中所示,大多数初始T仍是典型的CRTAM-CD4 + T细胞,走的还是向Th分化的途径。也有文献报道部分Th1和Treg在一定条件下会转化为具有细胞毒性的CD4 CTL。 CRTAM是一种与配体细胞粘附分子1结合的膜蛋白,作为CD4 CTL早期标志物,在TCR刺激下短暂表达,也会在激活后在部分记忆和幼稚CD4+T细胞上表达。表达CRTAM的CD4细...
Pan markersTh1Th2Th17TfhTreg CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 CD6 CD7 CD25↑ CD27 CD28 CD45RA(naïve:high,effector:low,menory:high) CD69↑ CD127(IL7Rα) CD134(OX40)↑ CD137(4-1BB)↑ CD152(CTLA-4)↑ CD154(CD40L)↑ CD272(BTLA)↑ CD279(PD-1)↑ 分泌因子 IFNγ IL-2 TNFα TNFβ(LTα)...
Conclusion:CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ is an important marker for evaluation of regulatory T cells,which reflects the deficient quantity of Treg,and might reflects the deficient function of Treg by the relationship between the cell percentage and SLE disease activity,immune disorder and tissue lesion. The ...
调节性T细胞( regulatory T cell,Treg细胞) 是一类特殊免疫调控作用的T细 胞亚群,维持机体免疫耐受的重要细胞,可调控CD4+T细胞、CD8+T细胞、B细胞、自然杀伤细 胞和抗原呈递细胞等的免疫应答。CD4+CD25+FoxP3 Treg细胞被认为是最能表征Treg细胞 的一种细胞亚群的marker,可反映 CD4+ CD25+Treg 细胞的水平和功能。
Fig 7C, D:随后作者分离了心肌炎患者外周血CD4T细胞。NG52治疗降低了T细胞活化marker HLA-DR的表达。同时,细胞增殖也出现下降。 Fig 7E:最重要的是,PGK1抑制在Th17 polarization conditions下依然阻断了Th17分化。 Overall, these results suggest that the modulation of PGK1 might represent a valuable approach ...
CD4, also known as L3T4, T4, and W3/25, is an approximately 55 kDa type I transmembrane glycoprotein that is expressed predominantly on thymocytes and a subset of mature T lymphocytes. It is a standard phenotype marker for the identification of T cell populations (1). Mature human CD4 cons...
图1 CD4+CD25+Treg细胞流式细胞仪检测图 A阴性对照;B CD4+T细胞图;C CD4+CD25+Treg细胞图;B结果显示CD4+T细胞占细胞数量的98%;C结果显示CD4+CD25+Treg细胞占细胞总量的90% 图2 Total RNA电泳结果 从左至右1.marker,2.0.5 μg总RNA上样,3.1 μg总RNA上样 图3 RT-PCR结果从左至右1.Marker,2.RT-PC...
CD4, also known as L3T4, T4, and W3/25, is an approximately 55 kDa type I transmembrane glycoprotein that is expressed predominantly on thymocytes and a subset of mature T lymphocytes. It is a standard phenotype marker for the identification of T cell populations (1). Mature rat CD4 consis...
Treg deficiency was reported in both adults and children with ITP. One study in children found that severe reduction of Tregs was associated with prolonged thrombocytopenia, while mild reduction was associated with brief duration, suggesting that Treg proportion may be a prognostic marker.30 Some ...