At the same time, correlative biological and in vitro functional studies have further characterized CD33 expression patterns in AML, the significance of CD33-antibody interactions, pathways involved in GO-induced cytotoxicity and potential drug resistance mechanisms. This review summarizes the recent data ...
CD33low blasts are associated to a more mature AML and its high expression is related to adverse landscapes in pediatric AML, highlighting the importance of CD33 evaluation. Regarding vulnerable steps of MRD assessment, Post –analytical phase must embrace a set of standards in order to prevent ...
Inacutemyeloidleu-kemia,thepercentofexpressioninCD117,CD13andCD33was91.9%、91.6%and94.4%.Theseweresignificantlyhighercomparedwithacutelymphoblasticleukemia(P<0.01);Conclusion:CD117,CD13andCD33mightbesignificantindifferentialdiagnosisbetweenacutemyeloidleukemiaandacutelymphoblasticleukemia.Key words:Acutemyeloidleukemia...
综上所述,CA199、CEA 及 CA242 这 3 种肿瘤标志物的检测对胰腺癌的诊断均有一定的价值,以 CA199 的敏感性最佳,CD117、CD13 、CD33 在鉴别诊断 AML 中的应用评价郭冬芳(驻马店市中心医院检验科 , 河南 驻马店 463000) 摘要 目的:探讨 CD117、CD13 、CD33 在鉴别诊断 AML 中的应用评价。 方法:采用流式...
Antibody-based immunotherapyepresents promisingtrategyoargetnd eliminatehemoresistant leukemicells.ere, we evaluatedheD33/CD3-bispecificell engaging (BiTE)ntibody (AMG 330)or itsuitabilitysherapeuticgent incuteyeloid leukemia (AML). WeirstssessedD33 expression levelsylowytometryndound expression in >99...
The ADC BL-M11D1 is a CD33 specific antibody based on the drug Gemtuzumab.Due to its CD33 binding, BL-M11D1 has specificity toward CD33 expression hematopoietic malignancies including AML.The BL-M11D1 is engineered to have an IgG wt FC receptor allowing for the mediation of innate immu...
Methods In ENZYMOLOGY(J.Abelson and M.Simon主编,Academic出版社,Inc.,New York)特别是在第154和155册(Wu et al.编辑)和第185册"Gene Expression Technology"(D.Goeddel编辑);Gene Transfer Vectors For Mammalian Cells(J.H.Miller和M.P.Calos编辑,1987,冷泉港实验室);Immunochemical Methods In Cell And ...
A number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been identified in AML patients that influence the effectiveness of gemtuzumab ozogamicin immunotherapy. SNP rs12459419 C>T in the splice enhancer region present in exon2 regulates the expression of an alternatively spliced CD33 isoform lacking ...
KSRP specifies monocytic and granulocytic differentiation through regulating miR-129 biogenesis and RUNX1 expression. "12-0339 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to elucidate how KH-Type Splicing Regulatory Protein, miR-129, and RUNX1 participate in a regulatory axis to control the outcome of ...
However, TSA-targeted CAR-T-cell therapy in AML has shown limited antitumor efficacy because of the incomplete expression of TSAs across all AML cells, leading to a high incidence of target-negative recurrent disease. In TAA-targeted CAR-T-cell therapy, the expression of TAAs on hematopoietic ...