4. Finally, CD14+DCs, in thesteady state, can induce Treg differentiation and promote tolerance.25Similar types of DCs can be generated in vitro frommonocytesdifferentiated with IL-10 and vitamin D3, making it possible to better define the functions of this DC subset.26...
Human cDC2s are generally known as BDCA1 DCs or CD1c+ DCs with characteristic expression of CD1c,CD11cand SIRPa. They can express low levels ofCD14, CD123, CD26 and are generally negative for CD209 andBTLAin blood or tissue. There are additional markers restricted to cDC2 including FCERIA...
By in vitro gene expression profiling of differentiated human DCs, we identified CD141 and CD163 as surface markers for DC-10. The coexpression of CD141 and CD163 in combination with CD14 and CD16 enables the ex vivo isolation of DC-10 from the peripheral blood. CD14CD16CD141CD163cells ...
In conclusion, CD14+CD163+CD209+ M2-like monocyte subsets are increased in H. pylori infection, especially in patients with peptic ulcers. CD14+CD163+CD209+ M2-like monocytes are positively associated with the severity of H. pylori infection....
likemonocytesaswellasCD14+CD163+CD206+,CD14+CD163+CD209+,andCD14+CD163+IL-10+M2-likemonocytesweresig-ni cantlyincreasedinH.pylori-infectedpatientsincomparisonwiththecontrols,accompaniedbyhigherlevelsofplasmaIL-10.Inaddition,IL-10productionwassigni cantlyhigherinthestimulatedM2-likecellsfrompatientswithH....
Circulating CD14+CD16+ monocyte levels predict tissue invasive character of cholangiocarcinoma (CD11c, CD49d, and CD54) and scavenger receptor (CD163), which enable them to adhere strongly to endothelial cells, and (ii) that peripheral blood ... C Subimerb,S Pinlaor,V Lulitanond,... - ...
To isolate monocytes from the whole blood in order to transform them into macrophages, Ficoll density gradient centrifugation with a density of 1.077 g / cm3 was used followed by immunomagnetic separation of CD14+ cells. Monocytes were cultured in the X-VIVO 10 medium with gentamicin and phenol ...
DCs,we identified CD141 and CD163 as surface markers for DC-10.The coexpression of CD141 and CD163 in combination with CD14 and CD16 enables the ex vivo isolation of DC-10 from the peripheral blood.CD14+CD16+CD141+CD163+cells isolated from the peripheral blood of healthy subjects(ex ...
Results RNA sequencing of SBA-treated conventional type 1 DC (cDC1) and type 2 DC (cDC2) subsets uncovered that SBAs upregulated lipid-related pathways in CD11c+ CD1c+ cDC2s, especially in the CD5 CD163+ CD14+ cDC2 subset. Moreover, SBAs induced lipid bodies and enhanced endosomal ...
Results The frequency of circulating CD163+ non-classical Mo (CD14loCD16hi) was 2-fold higher in SSc patients than in HC (unpaired t-test, p=0.026). No difference was found in the frequency of CD206+ monocyte subsets between HC and SSc. In vitro, unstimulated SSc Mφ (M0) secreted ...