树突状细胞(Dendritic Cell,DC)作为免疫应答中最重要的专职性抗原递呈细胞(APC),在机体内具有摄取、加工、递呈外来抗原,并将抗原信号传递给T细胞的功能。同时DC表达一系列激活T细胞的分子(如CD80和CD86等),使T细胞获得激发的协同刺激信号,并产生诸如IL-12等可进一步加强T细胞活化和功能的细胞因子。但是,由于DC 在血细...
机体免疫系统具有识别异常突变的细胞或肿瘤细胞的作用,可监视肿瘤的发生并通过细胞免疫机制杀伤肿瘤.树突状细胞(dendritic cell,DC)是体内功能最强的专职抗原提呈细胞(APC),能摄取和加工递呈抗原,具有强大的激活CD8+细胞毒性T细胞及CD4+辅助性T细胞的能力,控制着体内免疫反应的过程,在免疫应答中处于中心地位.DC被认为是...
高压弹簧机构CT8电压DC220V 分闸线圈 电阻80欧姆,CT8分闸线圈 合闸 操作机构分闸线圈 CT8电磁操作机构分闸线圈全铜 质量,CT8分合a闸线圈DC220V分30m.5欧合闸w69欧CT10线圈分闸430欧合闸9,CT8合闸线圈 CT8 CT19 CT23 CD10 CD17 CT19B CT14分闸合闸线圈CT8分闸线圈,DC220V 300欧;CT8合闸线圈DC220V...
Bacterial peritonitis is the most important complication of peritoneal dialysis (PD), limiting its widespread application. Conventional glucose-based peritoneal dialysates (G-PDS) depress oxygen consumption, chemiluminescence, superoxide production, phagocytosis, bacterial killing and actin polymerization in neut...
(a) Cells were double-stained with the indicated mAbs to assess the purity of DC suspensions. Numbers represent the percentage of cells in the respective quadrants. (b) Migrating LCs and DDCs were double-stained with anti-CD1c and the indicated mAbs. Flow cytometry profiles are from a ...
DC are determined as Lin−HLA-DR+ cells. FSC and SSC characteristics are used to gate the ‘live’ cells and exclude debris and dead cells. Decisions regarding the margins of the Lin− HLA-DR+ gate remain an important issue (Ho et al., 2001). It is relevant that the key ...
Magnetic bead-based positive isolation of human monocytes directly from whole blood, buffy coat and PBMC. Avoid artifacts - remove the cells from the beads after isolation. High purity of CD14+ monocytes. Monocytes can be derived into DC (Mo-DC).
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Fitzgerald KA, Rowe DC, Golenbock DT. Endotoxin recognition and signal transduction by the TLR4/MD2-complex. Microb Infec. 2004;6:1361–7. Article CAS Google Scholar Mitsuzawa H, Nishitani C, Hyakushima N, Shimizu T, Sano H, Matsushima N, et al. Recombinant soluble forms of extracellular...