【CD Research \ 项目调研】混合合约交易所BitCoke 项目介绍 过去两年,BitCoke以混合合约“惊艳”数字货币交易所赛道。混合合约带来的便捷性(可以用BTC交易LTC、ETH、YFI等合约)、加上平台不扎针宕机的稳定性能赢得众多专业交易者和机构的青睐,让BitCoke从拥挤的交易所竞争格局中脱颖而出,在Contractmarketcap、Tradingview...
【CD Research \ 项目调研】跨链互通协议Axelar 项目介绍 Axelar 是一个跨链的互操作性网络,通过一套通用的协议和 API 连接所有区块链、资产和应用程序,通过与 Axelar API 的单一集成,解锁对多个互连的 Axelar 网络、用户、资产、流动性和数据的访问。 Axelar主要有两个功能,一是基于Axelar构建跨链DAPP,二是作为...
我們也相信2022年基於各方麵原因,加密貨幣市場包括整個金融市場會是一比較動蕩的格局。那對於我們投資者也提出了更高的要求,如果整個市場真的冇有整體的單邊行情,我們又如何前於彆人,找到一些確定性更高的機會。 今天給大家總結了我們之前一段時間,研究的一些還不錯的案例,便於大家思考。以及接下來目前可能會出現的...
幣圈定投就是躺賺,不管你信不信,咱們讓數據說話。2018年5月15號起,每月15號在10000U以下價格定投BTC,堅持28個月,到2020年10月份冇再出現10000U以下的價格,就停止定投。持幣待漲。 收益如下:
The research on the mechanism of Cd absorption, transport and accumulation in plants shall cast great significance on the cultivation of crop varieties with low-Cd accumulation, the reduction of Cd in agricultural products, and the breeding of Cdhyperaccumulators and the reparation of Cd-contaminated...
plant cells and consequently ROS especially hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) accumulation,which will result in a series of reaction in redox system and changes of antioxidant system.This paper reviews the advances of study on Cd-induced oxidative stress and possible mechanisms,and proposed a new research ...
Presents information on a CD-ROM research guide on South Africa produced by Howard University in Washington, D.C. Features of the research guide; Benefits of the research guide; Details on the South African Research and Archival Project of the university.Roach...
Single-Cell Transcriptome Research Methods and Applications Small RNA Differential Expression Analysis: Methods, Tools, and Applications The Challenge and Workflow of Small RNA Sequencing The Potential and Applications of Translatomics The Technologies and workflow of RNA-seq Transcriptomic Research: ...
项目介绍Aventus Network (AvN) 是第 2 层区块链协议,可为以太坊交易带来可扩展性、更低的成本和速度。 它实现了数字资产的发行、管理和所有权,带来了许可区块链的规模以及公共区块链的安全性和互操作性,且没有两者的缺点。Aventus 的 AvN 协议比以太坊快 133
(ICA) and fractal analysis.Spectral parameters sensitive to Cd contamination,namely F1,ICA1 and fractal dimension of spectral reflectance(D),were obtained by different methods.The above sensitive factors were used to establish one-dimensional diagnosis model for rice under Cd contamination with ...