index是指摄像索引 CD Index可帮你制作所有资料光碟的索引,并为索引档加上注解,另有如档案总管管理档案的功能,依照你的喜好或是根据光碟实际安放的位置,将索引档分门别类放置在一起。当需要寻找资料时,利用 CD Index 搜寻的功能,将迅速找出你所要的资料位於哪片光碟上,大大节省你直接读取光碟片...
CD Index - Photoshop CS2: Essential SkillsELSEVIERPhotoshop Cs2 Essential Skills
The flag f -vector is a basic combinatorial invariant of graded posets that counts the number of chains. For an Eulerian poset, its flag f -vector is efficiently encoded by a certain non-commutative polynomial, called the cd -index. In this note, we give an extensions of the cd -index ...
CDindex 1.9 官方版 软件大小:567 KB 软件语言:简体中文 更新时间:2024-09-19 授权:免费软件 适用平台:Win8,Win7,WinXP 推荐度:6分 无病毒 点击查看大图 软件介绍 CDindex是一套建立目录清单的工具,以容易使用的图形介面让你将软盘、光盘、硬盘上的文件建立目录清单。內建文件(exe、com、dll)、压缩文件(zip...
Billera L.J., Ehrenborg R.: Monotonicity of the cd-index for polytopes. Math. Z. 233, 421–441 (2000) CrossRef Bruggesser H., Mani P.: Shellable decompositions of cells and spheres. Math. Scand. 29, 197–205 (1971) Ehrenborg R., Karu K.: Decomposition theorem for the cd-...
Replacements of any previously ordered CD. Note: We'll replace for free any faulty CDs or those damaged during shipping. 20$ per replacement. Just specify the original 4 digit order number (or name on your credit card and approximate date of order) and which CDs you want replaced in th...
摘要:新华·国际金融中心发展指数(原新华-道琼斯国际金融中心发展指数,简称IFCD Index)是中国经济信息社积极参与共建“一带一路”国家的金融信息服务体系的体现,于2010年首次全球亮相,填补了亚太地区金融中心指数空白,一定程度上满足了“一带一路”国家对金融中心建设和金融信息指数服务的需求。
The goal of this article is to give a Lefschetz type decomposition for the cd-index of a complete fan. To a complete simplicial fan one can associate a toric variety X, the even Betti numbers h_i of X and the numbers g_i = h_i-h_{i-1}. If the fan is projective, then non-ne...
For Eulerian partially ordered sets, the flag vector can be encoded efficiently in the cd-index. The cd-index of a polytope has all positive entries. An important open problem is to give the broadest natural class of Eulerian posets having nonnegative cd-index. This paper completely determines...
This is a survey of the $cd$-index of Eulerian partially ordered sets. The $cd$-index is an encoding of the numbers of chains, specified by ranks, in the poset. It is the most efficient such encoding, incorporating all the affine relations on the flag numbers of Eulerian posets. Euleria...