Liver microsomes prepared from a pool of male CD-1 mice.Total protein concentration: 20 mg/mlWe provide liver subcellular fractions froma深入閱讀 Have Questions? Quantity: 0.5 mL 產品號碼MSMCPL 價格(TWD)/ Each - 联系我们 Quantity: 0.5 mL ...
1992. The effects of continuous exposure to 20-kHz sawtooth magnetic fields on the litters of CD-1 mice. Teratology 46:391-398.Wiley MJ, Corey P, Kavet R, Charry J, Harvey S, Agnew D, Walsh M. The effects of con- tinuous exposure to 20 kHz sawtooth magnetic fields on the litters ...
Aggression in male mice often leads to injury and death, making social housing difficult. We tested whether (1) small group size, (2) early age of allocation to a group decreases aggression and 3) manipulation increases aggression in male mice. A 14wk study was performed to assess the follo...
CD-1® (ICR) IGS Mice - 维通利华 | Charles River,一般性多用途模型、安全效力评价、药理、毒理学、药品、生物制品的生产与检定;老龄化研究、外科手术模型、假孕、代乳鼠模型。
英文名:ICR(CD-1) mice Liver Microsomes (male) 别名: CAS号:MDL号:分子式:分子量: MSDS大包装询价 货号规格产地品牌包装纯度货期价格促销价南通市数量操作 FY36169FEIYUBIO0.5ML浓度20MG/ML现货询¥2990.00¥2990.0010 -+ 产品介绍相关产品推荐质检证书CoA ...
CD-1裸鼠 SPF级,专业名称:Crl:CD1-Foxn1nu封闭群(Outbred Mice) 毛色:无毛,白化背景 品系代码:402来源:1979年,Charles River将Crl: NU-Foxn1nu的裸基因导入CD-1小鼠,通过一系列交配和回交得到CD1-Foxn1nu品系。此小鼠没有胸
A perina- tal study of toluene in CD-1 mice. Fundam Appl Tox- icol 1986; 6: 145-154.Courtney, K. D. , J. E. Andrews , J. Springer , M. Menache , T. Williams , L. Dalley , J. A. Graham : "A perinatal study of toluene in CD-I mice" , Fundam. Appl. Toxicol . 6 ...
The purpose of this study was to examine the distribution of brevetoxin-3 administered to pregnant dams and to determine the extent of placental transport to fetuses. Twenty-nine pregnant CD-1 mice were administered 3H-brevetoxin-3 (1.3 μCi/animal; 2.8 μg compound/kg) by intratracheal instil...
Malignant conversion and metastasis of mouse skin tumors: a comparison of SENCAR and CD-1 mice. Malignant conversion and metastasis of mouse skin tumors: a comparison of SENCAR and CD-1 mice. Environ Health Perspect. 1986; 68:69-74. [PubMed: ......
GIO was induced in 12 weeks old female C57BL/6J and CD1 mice by subcutaneous insertion of long-term release prednisolone or placebo pellets. Biomechanical properties as assessed by three point bent testing revealed that femoral elasticity and strength significantly decreased in CD1 mice receiving GC,...