High-quality CD players are few and far between at this price, and Cambridge Audio’s longstanding commitment to hi-fi dates back to its founding in the eponymous town in the late 1960s. The company built the first ‘two box’ CD player with a separate decoder unit in 1985 and has ...
The best mid-range CD player Image1of7 Marantz's excellent long-running CD player is the best option for first-time buyers on a budget.(Image credit: What Hi-Fi?) (Image credit: What Hi-Fi?) (Image credit: What Hi-Fi?) (Image credit: What Hi-Fi?) ...
Best CD players: CD players for every budget Best DACs: USB, portable and desktop DACs Give your CD player some solid support (Image credit: What Hi-Fi?) First things first: make sure you install your player on a proper support to minimise the amount of vibration it has to cope with....
or Pioneer Elite CD player for pennies on the dollar. Pair a classic high-end player up with a digital to analog converter, and a high performance digital rig can be had for a reasonable price. The JVC
Perfect player I purchased this player after I had bought the AXC35 amp. I used my bluray player to playback cd's but decided to get the Cambridge cd player. Looks great next to the amp and separates instruments on playback better than the bluray. Great price for the 25 too. The ...
recorded with surprising clarity and documents an electrifying performance; and I can’t say anything about the BluRay disc because while I do have a BluRay player at home, it isn’t connected to a sound system that would allow me to really take advantage of the super-hi-fi mixes ...
First, as RH has pointed out (in his review of the Krell KPS-20iin Vol.18 No.4), a CDplayerhas the potential of providing superior quality compared to similarly priced separates because putting the CD transport and digital processor in the same box substantially reduces clock jitter. Most ...
When it was time for my sons' high school graduation, I gave them identical pairings of Peachtree integrated amps and Nola loudspeakers, bought at the late, lamented Lyric Hi-Fi in Manhattan. That's where I first heard the term "Swiss Army knife" applied to audio. The Peachtree boasted ...
universal disc player with a $999 sticker price in its day—that, despite their very different DAC chips and the decade that separates their respective releases, making any meaningful distinctions between the two players in terms of Red Book performance tiptoes right up to the edge of ...
While making no pretensions to audiophile quality, this 1991 recording tests system resolution, with what sounds on the high resolution combination of CD player, amplifier and speakers in the old scribes armory, like a miked guitar combo in a little booth of screens rather than a straight DI,...