Swift Publisher continues to develop the high standard first introduced by Disc Cover, a famous BeLight Software’s app for optical disc label printing. That’s why Disc Cover users have a chance to crossgrade to the new Swift Publisher, open their .dcover files and continue working on their...
A. To specify the label to be printed, make the selection from the page preview on the left bottom of the iWinSoft CD Label Maker window. Clicking on a label makes it gray, which means that it's excluded from the printing. One more clicking on the same label makes it printable again....
iWinSoft is a leader in innovative software developer dedicating to label solutions for design and print cd labels, dvd labels, barcode labels, etc.
Top CD/DVD label software for maccandies xue
Professional CD DVD Label Maker. If you want to make your own CD, DVD cover, double cover labels, jewel cases, case inserts, spines, and more, or you need custom video and MP3 collections, have a lot of family photos and data for backups, or you would like to create unique gifts, ...
Mac CD DVD Label Maker for Mac是一款运行在MacOS上简单好用的CD/DVD标签制作软件。Mac CD DVD Label Maker mac版可以帮助你通过多种内置标签格式,剪贴板图像,设计格式创建光盘标签。不同的对象,比如文本,图形和图像都可以轻松添加到你的文档里。让你拥有独一无二的CD/DVD封面。感兴趣的朋友快来下载吧!本软件...
Design and print custom CD, DVD or Blu Ray labels and covers with Disketch disc label software. Free to download. Quick to install, easy to use CD label maker software for PC or Mac.
Mac软件下载 支持系统 OS X 10.7 价格 0 下载次数 223 官方网站 访问 该程序是设计CD标签,DVD标签,CD封面,DVD封面,CD盒,DVD盒,CD小册子,DVD小册子,宝石盒等的专业工具。 该程序可以添加方形文本,圆形文本和照片在设计的封面上。文本和图片可以添加阴影,旋转和裁剪。 该程序可以自定义标签封面的位置和大小,支持...
CD DVD Label Maker for Mac2.4.1 官方版 版本:2.4.1 官方版 软件授权:共享软件 软件大小:132.46M 软件语言:简体中文 应用平台:Mac OS X 更新时间:2022-08-08 安全无毒无插件 基本简介 CD DVD Label Maker for Mac官方版是一款相当专业的CD DVD标签制作软件,CD DVD Label Maker for Mac官方版软件提供了数...