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We read every piece of feedback, and take your input very seriously. Include my email address so I can be contacted Cancel Submit feedback Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up Reseting focus...
根据加拿大统计局(Statistics Canada)的数据,在2023年第三季度,96%的人口增长归因于国际移民,只有4%是自然增长,即出生和死亡之间的差额。 人们移居加拿大的原因可能各不相同,但无论他们来自哪里,新移民都不可避免地会经历一些文化冲击,这可能会...
近日,多伦多一位27岁的年轻人在Reddit上发了一条帖子:他打算从加拿大搬到美国,这在社交媒体上引起许多人的共鸣,获得了数千条网友评论和支持。 Reddit用户MA96告诉Reddit,他出生在美国,但四岁时搬到了多伦多,在大多伦多地区度过了大部...
Reading stuff on the internet like Reddit or Wikipedia is way easier if you know English too. Even social media apps use a lot of English words and phrases like "hashtag", "follow", "going viral" and so on. My older sister is obsessed with TikTok and Instagram, and they're absolutely...
根据加拿大统计局最新数据,对于该Reddit用户的年龄段,即25至34岁的人群,平均收入为53,500加元。 当然,加拿大在医疗保健成本方面有优势。 那么,这些统计数据中的任何一项对比过后会让您考虑从加拿大搬到美国吗? 来源链接: https://dailyhive.com/toront...
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