Reboot your computer for the changes to take effect. This should fix your problem. Read: CD/DVD drive not working, recognized or reading in Windows How do I open a CD drive in File Explorer? If the eject button next to the drive is not responding, you can right-click the CD or DVD...
In the past, I would use my iPhone to film the content, then I would need to either upload that video to the cloud and then download the file from the cloud to the computer I was using to edit with, or I would need to connect my iPhone to the computer, download the file through ...
One of the possible reasons why the USB shows up a flash drive maybe because ofoutdated driverson your computer. A faulty USB drive can also cause the USB drive to misrepresent itself. This problem is not limited to any particular set of USB devices and can arise in the cheap as well a...
From My Computer, right-click on manage options. Click on Disk Management from the bar. Now, you need to select the drive that is showing up wrong carefully. From that, you can check the health of the drive to check if the drive is working fine or not. Right-click and select the...
as they often do not have an internal dvd burner. an external cd dvd burner can also be used with a desktop computer. dvd players dvd players are multimedia devices that can be used to play dvds. they come in a variety of different sizes and styles, from small portable players to larger...
MacBook Pro M1 Max does not recognize CD SuperDrive. Needs external power My wife & I are on vacation and we have 2 macBook Pro laptops. Mine is a M1 Max. Right now my computer is up to date with the latest Ventura 13.1 operating system. When plugging in our cd superdrive to a ...
Peppausuallywearsareddress.Shehasmanyfriends.Shelikesjumpinginmuddypuddles(泥坑).George isinablueshirt.Helikesplayingwithhissister.DaddyPigisanengineer(工程师).HehasthesamejobasMr. Rabbit.Heisinagreenshirt.MummyPigworksfromhomeonhercomputer(电脑).Shewearsanorangedress. Sheisverynice.GrandpaPigisinpurplean...
When a blank is inserted in the drive "my computer" changes from DVD to CD and will not identify the blank DVD. I have seen many similar posts. THere are no fixes yet. I have tried 3 different disk manufactures, tried fixit, deleted my roxio, changed out the dvd writer. ...
When the second stage of the check fails, either because there is no opened port in the service, or the service was not started properly before the timeout and the port is not responding, it prints the warning:*** WARNING: Service XYZ probably didn't start properly. ...
In the bios, the first option should list your installed components. Is is showing the cdrom when when your not having issues or after a lock up? Is there only 1 cdrom? Make sure you have the jumpers set to master not slave or not cable select. Put on the end of the cable also...