quantum dot sensitized solar cells with a photoanode of the TiO_2 mesoporous films deposited by In-doped-CdS,Pt counter electrode and sulfide/polysulfide electrolyte.Different doping ratios and SILAR cycles of In-doped-CdS are discussed... Z Feng,X Zou,H Zhou - 2014中国功能材料科技与产业高层...
Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Two Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Materials: [BDMLPX](3)[Mo8O26](2)[H3O](2)center dot H2O and [BIIT][HBIIT] [ClMo12O40] Two novel organic-inorganic hybrid supramolecular compounds based on organoammonium cations (OACs) and polyoxomolybdates (POMs), n...
1如图,AB是$\odot O$的直径,弦$CD\bot AB$,$\angle C=3{0}^{\circ }$,$CD=2\sqrt {3}$,${S}_{阴影}=()$ A.$\pi $ B.$2\pi $ C.$\dfrac {2} {3}\sqrt {3}$ D.$\dfrac {2} {3}\pi $A CD0B 2如图,$AB$是$\odot O$的直径,弦$CD\bot AB$,$\angle ...
SDOT, DDOT, CDOTU, and ZDOTU compute the dot product of vectorsxandy: CDOTC and ZDOTC compute the dot product of the complex conjugate of vectorxwith vectory: Table 1. Data Types Data Types x,y,dotu,dotc,ResultSubprogram Short-precision realSDOT ...
Tunable energy band CdSexS(1x)quantum dots (QD) are developed for QD-sensitized solar cells(QDSSCs) by the successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) technique. The results indicated that the energy band and the light absorption of CdSexS(1x)QDs could be controlled by the ratio...
相关推荐 1如图,点A,B,C,D在⊙O上,ˆAC=ˆBD,AB与CD相等吗?为什么? 2如图,点 A、B、 C、D在☉O上,ABˆ=CDˆ.AC与BD相等吗?为什么?、 3如图,点A,B,C,D在⊙O上,ACˆ=BDˆ,AB与CD相等吗?为什么? 反馈 收藏
job2’s DEPLOY_VARIABLE is default-deploy. Additional details: workflow:rules:variables become default variables available in all jobs, including trigger jobs which forward variables to downstream pipelines by default. If the downstream pipeline uses the same variable, the variable is overwritten by th...
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