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Three Chinese items - the Li ethnic group's traditional textile techniques of spinning, dyeing, weaving, and embroidering; the Qiang New Year festival, a traditional annual event of the Qiang ethnic group in China; and traditional design and practices for building Chinese wooden arch bridges - ...
CCTV.com is constantly updated with top news from China and around the world. Offering news reports, live and on-demand video content and searchable archives, CCTV.com is available in Mandarin, English and Chinese ethnic minority languages. Links Xinhua China Daily CRI People´s Daily ...
Wenzhou: A living chronicle of China's opening-up triumph Wenzhou stands as a testament to the transformative power of China's reform and opening-up policy initiated in 1978. Chinese modernization What is Chinese path to modernization CCTV.com has talked with scholars and specialists on China's...
Chinese superconducting quantum computer receives over 20 million global visits China's independently developed third-generation superconducting quantum computer, Origin Wukong, has received more than 20 million remote visits globally, passing an important milestone in the country's quantum computing developmen...
CCTV.com is constantly updated with top news from China and around the world. Offering news reports, live and on-demand video content and searchable archives, CCTV.com is available in Mandarin, English and Chinese ethnic minority languages. Languages 中文简体 English Монгол Back Home...
今年春节,外国游客“China Travel”(“中国游”)持续升温。“中国游”的火爆离不开中国持续推出的一系列灵活、便利的外国人来华政策。据统计,目前中国已同26个国家达成全面免签,先后对38个国家单方面免签,对54个国家实行过境免签,同157个国家和地区缔结了互免签证协定。去年12月,中国宣布将过境免签外国人在境内停留时...
Jirik J (2008) Making news in the People's Republic of China: The case of CCTV-9. PhD Thesis, The University of Texas, Austin.Jirik John. Making news in the People's Republic of China:The case of CCTV-9[D].University of Texas at Austin 2008....
央视网消息:中国驻刚果民主共和国大使馆4月11日发布刚果(金)安全形势通报。 一、近期重要安全事件 (一)4月1日晚,2名中国公民在伊图里省曼巴萨地区遭到当地反政府武装“马伊-马伊”袭击,其中1人不幸身亡,1人受伤。我馆即联系属地政府,敦促刚方尽快缉拿凶手,并积极提供领事协助。