1) CCSD-SK-In borehole 松科1井北孔 1. Well site selecting,core section characteristics and distribution of the special lithological layers inCCSD-SK-In borehole,Songliao Basin 松科1井北孔选址、岩心剖面特征与特殊岩性层的分布 更多例句>> ...
Description of Cretaceous sedimentary sequence of the Yaojia Formation recovered by CCSD-SK-Ⅰs borehole in Songliao Basin:Lithostratigraphy,sedimentary facies and cyclic stratigraphy 松科1井南孔白垩系姚家组沉积序列精细描述:岩石地层、沉积相与旋回地层2...
north Songliao Basin.Based on the detailed description of the cores from the Taikang Formation to the first member of the Nenjiang Formation in CCSD-SK-In borehole,we have established the core section and identified five special lithological layers,including dolomite,volcanic ash,oil shale,lime ...
Description of Cretaceous sedimentary sequence of the first member of the Qingshankou Formation recovered by CCSD-SK-Is horehole in Songliao Basin: Lithostratigraphy, sedimentary facies and cyclic stratigraphy [J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2009, 16 (2) : 314-323....
2009. Well site selecting, core section characteristics and distribution of the special lithological layers in CCSD-SK-In borehole, Songliao Basin[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 16(6):104-112(in Chinese with English abstract). Google Scholar Gu Zhiwei. 1982. On the Demarcation of the non-...
#sdcc2017# 第三天!小马美女画师DC展位签名中!DC Super Hero Girls! http://t.cn/R2WxsCs
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国产SKSD-B数控生产测井地面系统是装载在原吉尔哈特公司生产的DDL-Ⅲ型上的 DDL-Ⅲ无配套的井口张力系统,文章主要介绍将DDL-Ⅲ张力计挂接到SKSD-B上,使张力信息传输到SKSD-B地面系统并记录下来,供有关人员观 察井下仪器在井内的运行及遇阻,遇卡情况,通过室内测试和现场试验,其结果较好地反映了实际情况,说明挂...
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