Job cpu time: 38 days 17 hours 38 minutes 18.8 seconds.File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 146...
Your IT department is interested in conducting security audits. The group wants to have statistics generated about the usage of access control entries (ACEs) in their domain deployment. They want to be able to run a job every Sunday at 1:00 A.M. that will log the results to a file. Th...
nohup /home/prometheus/exporter/flume_exporter/flume_exporter-0.0.2 --config-file=/home/prometheus/exporter/flume_exporter/config.yml --metric-file=/home/prometheus/exporter/flume_exporter/metrics.yml >flumexport.log 2>&1 & 1. config.yml 配置flume机器IP信息,为了查看效果,只能再搭建一个flume单机...
- job_name: node_exporter kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: node relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__address__] regex: '(.*):10250' replacement: '${1}:9100' target_label: __address__ action: replace - action: labelmap regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+) - source_labels: [_...
Your IT department is interested in conducting security audits. The group wants to have statistics generated about the usage of access control entries (ACEs) in their domain deployment. They want to be able to run a job every Sunday at 1:00 A.M. that will log the results to a file. ...
O6UxxLAPfiJa5CtMoU7Q6BYp0ql3jobnGCQ+C56ndvL aFVCRL1YvmM9HZqzCY3SgM5uilLPZq+LJSQFP6OaGUu9cfsKr/C9OA3p7NuNON2A9R+cEbEhq4lt B5oS0nAAxlrvVY84dyxucsRuZ1w16kwwMGLF1HV6EKy5Ko0BW75rXr8fcrqJMioh10abHiGVr/Pw Zlwqk7YlijMNYaXAnH+xToQGQKG1uNJxoS4q9TVXD2fP7frU1DarwP2R3I3HB/r8mW7xUX...
xfwR8cmBs8PeLNDyurnGaGjOB3XGvoTHas2iXq00Gf1ZmQlDV6OvoBWUKpMiHR tIFQIFXRyxbUPd3IxxZXFLp64IdnceuOu5IaH+dtUJ8XS5uNLlwHjQ4blAZJfm54DBByB9tVAgM3 VrStXMRkVdpDoaoGbJkv9+/5Kj44jMkxQCga+meBSWjc6uDGg9+mnHs7jgVmCmC8DJ0ZcVqc/lbm 7rjKUQj5e1DkT75MVkauiKdjnF5teJ7LvYVooO1ke/7u/Q52wG...
B. The man needs to find another job. C. They don't have enough money for a vacation. D. The man doesn't know how to ask his boss for a raise. 查看完整题目与答案 下列哪项不是围绝经期妇女常见健康问题 A. 骨质疏松 B. 生殖器肿瘤 C. 肝肾综合征 D. 老年性阴道炎 E. ...
C. good job. D. wonderful! 查看完整题目与答案 -18年欧洲三十年战争结束后签订了《维也纳和约》。 A. 正确 B. 错误 查看完整题目与答案 “一千个读者,就有一千个‘哈姆雷特’”反映的是( ) A. 传递性 B. 时效性 C. 真伪性 D. 价值相对性 查看完整题目与答案 要培养人们的创...
Your IT department is interested in conducting security audits. The group wants to have statistics generated about the usage of access control entries (ACEs) in their domain deployment. They want to be able to run a job every Sunday at 1:00 A.M. that will log the results to a file. Th...