②.反射得到StorageManger里的getVolumeList()方法 这个方法会返回系统中所有的存储设备(包含未挂载的,不含内存盘) //得到StorageManager中的getVolumeList()方法的对象 final Method getVolumeList = storageManager . getClass ( ) . getMethod ( "getVolumeList" ) ; 1. 2. 3. 4. ③.反射得到StorageVolum...
*但StorageVolume非Public API 编译不通过(7.0改为公开API),故使用UserEnvironment * 的内部方法getExternalDirs获取所有的路径,通过{@link Environment#isExternalStorageRemovable(File)} * 判断若removable则为外部存储 */ @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) //@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP...
C SD Matchcodes Product Proposals C SD 匹配码 产品建议 OVS1 SD Matchcodes Materials SD 匹配码物料 OVS2 C SD Matchcodes Customers C SD 匹配码 客户 OVS3 C SD matchcode for contact person 联系人的 C SD 匹配码 OVS4 C SD Matchcodes Vendors C SD 匹配码 供应商 OVS5 C SD Matchcodes ...
Add handling for additional error codes that shouldn't be considered a permanent failure #1159 add webp accepted content type only if WebP enabled #1178 fix ImageIO: CGImageSourceCreateWithData data parameter is nil #1167 Applied patch for issue #1074 SDWebImage residing in swift mo...
68 billion (6.8x1010) possible codes - LED to indicate transmission and low battery • Desktop or wall mounted • ABS Plastic single-gang plate • Green 2" square button • English, Spanish, French, and blank message plates included • Requires SK-910 (315MHz) series receiver ...
The majority of scripts is licensed under ASL 2.0 (including codes from Diffusers, cloneofsimo's and LoCon), however portions of the project are available under separate license terms: Memory Efficient Attention Pytorch: MIT bitsandbytes: MIT ...
codesys codes nonprimitive bc codes outer codex committee on me codex ixtlilxochitl code phase code station class codiertesprogramm n codificationofinterna coding algorithm coding technologies coding precision adap coding diffuse codlag codonopsis pilosula v codonopsis subscaposa codx hermogenianus cody au...
OV01AccessSequence:MatlListng/Exclsn存取顺序:物料列表/排斥 OV02ConditionType:Listing/Exclusion条件类型:列表/排斥 OV03Procedure:Listing/Exclusion过程:列表/排斥 OV-1ViewV_TVPH,Attribute1视图V_TVPH,属性1 OV11AccessSequence:MatlDetermination存取顺序:物料确定 OV14CSDTab.TVAK"MaterialSub"CSD表TVAK"子...
return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N; } public static Uri adaptUriAndGrantPermission(Context context, Intent intent, File file) { Uri uri = adaptUri(context, file); if (uri == null) { return null; } grantUriPermission(context, intent, uri); ...
* @return A list of external SD card paths. */ @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) private static String[] getExtSdCardPaths(Context context) { if (sExtSdCardPaths.size() > 0) { return sExtSdCardPaths.toArray(new String[0]); ...