成績優秀同學可獲優渥的交換學生獎學金,於大三或大四至美國名校(Carnegie Mellon University、University of California Berkeley、University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)修課。 資料來源 中國時報93.9.23 ). 電話:(03)5712121 轉 31229 30, 31218, 31347. 郵件信箱 :ccs@cs.nctu.edu.tw. ...
The authors are grateful for the support of Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Research Foundation (Project No: 32361), the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK 106M298), and all research people involved in this project. The authors also express their special thanks to...
There is simply no credible way to address the climate challenge without becoming more practical about the way we generate electricity and the need for carbon capture. This shouldn’t be a secondary piece of the solution to reduce global emissions but rather right at the heart of the effort. ...
It was found that the G′ increased with increasing V w from 50% to 80%, implying augmented viscoelasticity of the emulsions as a result of enhanced accumulation density of emulsion droplets. To verify the stability of the emulsions stabilized by PBzMA CCS polymer, porous materials were ...
(1.Key Laboratory of Western China’s Environmental Systems(Ministry of Education),College of Earth and Environmental Sciences,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China;2.Western Michigan University,Kalamazoo,MI 49008,USA) Abstract:【Objective】Climate change is likely to affect the crop yield,and in thi...
Wuhan: Huazhong Agricultural University, 2017. (in Chinese) [28] 张莉芳, 杨正修, 张学文, 龙炎杏, 赵燕. 荠菜雌蕊调控转录因子 SPT 基因的克隆与拟南芥遗传转化 . 作物研究 , 2018, 32(3): 202-207. ZHANG L F, YANG Z X, ZHANG X W, LONG Y X, ZHAO Y. Cloning of the gene of pistil-...
Apple originally announced the contactless student ID programme at its Worldwide Developers Conference in 2018, and then rolled it out in October of that year to seven universities, namely Johns Hopkins, Marshall, Mercer, Duke, the University of Oklahoma, the University of Alabama, and Temple. Wi...
【目的】菌核病是由核盘菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)引起的一类真菌病害,核盘菌寄主范围广泛,严重危害多种作物的品质。本研究利用寄主诱导基因沉默(HIGS)的方法在寄主中诱导核盘菌致病相关基因的沉默从而增强寄主的菌核病抗性,为菌核病抗病育种提供新的思路。【方法】铜锌超氧化物歧化酶是一种重要的抗氧化剂,以核盘...
Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage: Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, 2005. [Google Scholar] Kang, S.-P.; Lee, H. Recovery of CO2 from flue gas using gas hydrate: Thermodynamic verification through phase equilibrium ...
of National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A.) and by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) under the 3rd Call for HFRI PhD Fellowships (fellowship number 61/513800). Data Availability Statement The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made...