When I was testing this that version of ti-rtos came with ble stack installer. However, xdc and ti-rtos look like separate installers that ble software installer invokes (i.e. they have their own dialogs asking to select install path, the default points to C:\ti). As Aarti is suggesting...
您好! 您需要创建一个 CCS 工程并在工程中包含该库。 您还可以观看使用的演示 -i${TI_products_DIR}/DSPLIB_C674x_3_4_0_0/packages/ti/DSPLib/src/DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP/c674 CCS 工程在以下 projectspec 文件中定义。 MMWAVE_automotive_toolbox_2_7_1\labs\lab0008_automated_forc\src...
/mtn/ccs is owned by my user. I'm using Archlinux, by the way. I could use some help on how to get rid of the ~/ti folder. In the next post I show an experiment that shows that TI_APPDATA_DIR is not used by the launcher Cheers,Daniel....
C:/ti/tirtos_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_21_01_08/products/uia_2_01_00_01/packages;C:\ti\xdctools_3_31_00_24_core/packages;'。 确保正确设置了封装路径。 是否有人可以指出导致此错误的原因? 注意:我查看过论坛、但没有找到任何解决方案。 下面是我已查看的一些帖子。
CCS 9.3 及更高版本:尝试清理工作区:清理工作区(或尝试使用新工作区) CCS 9.2 及更低版本:尝试删除 tirex-localserver-[version] 中的C:\Users\[username]\ti 文件夹并重新启动 CCS。清理 CCS 浏览器缓存 通过查找 [WORKSPACE FOLDER DIR]\.jxbrowser-data 尝试删除 Chromium 浏览器缓存,并删除整个...
1.新建工程 Project/New CCS Project; 如下图所示修改配置,芯片28335,仿真器XDS100v2, 工程名:adc(自己取);编译器版本:TI v16.9.3.LTS;样版工程:Empy Project (with main.c),设置完成后单击Finish。 2.添加工程文件 1) 将在官网下载的common及headers文件复制到刚才新建的工程目录下。 2) 打开c... ...
COM_TI_SIMPLELINK_CC2640R2_SDK_INSTALL_DIR,并将其指向您导入的根目录位置8: 访问预处理器符号 在工程级别中C预处理器符号可能需要设置或调整。以下过程描述了如何访问或修改预处理器符号。 1:打开Project...。您可能需要重新启动CCS。 7: 找到CCS工程(配置工程路径) 如果CCS安装在默认安装目录(c:/ti)下,它...
C2000_A_DIR Environment Variable 36 3.5 Source Statement Format 38 3.5.1 Label Field 38 3.5.2 Mnemonic Field 39 3.5.3 Operand Field 39 3.5.4 Comment Field 39 3.6 Constants 40 3.6.1 Binary Integers 40 3.6.2 Octal Integers 40 3.6.3 Decimal Integers 41 3.6.4 Hexadecimal Integers 41 3.6....
Under "Discovered products:" I can hit Install.. and select the path to (e.g."%QUM_TI_DIR%\dsplib_c674x_3_4_0_0") and the product is successfully discovered and installed. This is exactly what I would like to to via command line. How to a...
Searching in the release, the file DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP.h is in directory INSTALL_DIR\ dsplib_c66x_3_4_0_0\packages\ti\dsplib\src\DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP\c66, where INSTALL_DIR is the directory name where the user installed the Processor SDK. Adding the path to ti\dsplib is done from the ...