Avoiding the adverse impacts of carbon capture and storage activities on the environment and human health would require careful site selection, effective regulatory oversight, and appropriate monitoring program. The strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment are procedural tools for ...
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): Technology, Projects and Monitoring Review Carbon capture and storage (CCS) in terms of geological sequestration represents the process of capturing CO2 from large point sources, its transportation ... N Gaurina-Meimurec,K Novak-Mavar,M Maji - Rudarsko-Geolosko...
Avoiding the adverse impacts of carbon capture and storage activities on the environment and human health would require careful site selection, effective regulatory oversight, and appropriate monitoring program. The strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment are procedural tools for ...
Risk factors, especially geomechanical and geochemical, linked to the possible leakage of CO2; Optimum monitoring strategies. 2. Overview of the Main Existing Saline Aquifer Storage Projects Before any CO2 injection has happened, saline aquifers start at approximately hydrostatic pressure; fluid pressure...