首先,IER是一个寄存器。并且是CPU内核的寄存器。IFR也一样。 与外设寄存器类似,在CCS的编译环境中,都把这类寄存器当作一个全局变量来处理。 比如,要使能PIE中的ADCD1中断,则是直接改变PieCtrlRegs这个全局变量中的某个位。 PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER1.bit.INTx6 =1;/* PIE Group 1.6, ADCD1_INT*/ C语言规范要求,在...
CCSv5.1编译CCSv4的cpu_timer的例程时出现'IER' could not be resolved问题,希望专家指教,很急很急 最好能给我远程操作一下,QQ:519205583,谢谢了 extern cregister volatile unsigned int IFR;
When I deleted the .launches and .settings folders in the project and recompiled, two errors appeared: Problem description: Symbol 'IER' could not be resolved Problem description: Symbol 'IFR' could not be resolved How to solve this problem,thank you. Green Deng: 你好,能提供更详细一点的信息...
CCS 6 报错 Other Parts Discussed in Thread:ADS807 Description Resource Path Location Type Symbol 'IER' could not be resolved main.c /ADS807 line 91 Semantic Error 请问只是因为CCS6 版本的问题吗?
my issue was not resolved because the recommended proceeding in CCS caused error messages. Hareesh Janakiraman 6 年多前 in reply to Peter Visnyi TI__Guru* 95315 points Peter, It would be better if you learn how to create a project from scratch, rather than trying to import an already...