char a; int b; } PACKED testStruct; 编译出错: error: expected a type specifier error: expected a ";" 你好! 编译错误是因为应该在结构体类型定义后,即大括号后加上类型定义名和分号。 谢谢! typedef struct { char a; int b; } testStruct; 这样定义肯定是没有问题的,但是我不要4字节对齐啊,size...
: expected a type specifier error: expected a ";" 这个错误。是CCS3.3编译器本身不支持__packed这种结构体成员的对齐方式 wumiaohui2018-06-21 10:16:55 CCS中的结构体设置不显示的原因是什么? 以前写C程序的时候,打出结构名,然后加个“.”,这个点后面就会出现一个下拉菜单里面列出这个结构所有的成员名。
42 如果编译器较旧,应该是不支持的。请参考
"HESS.c", line 149: error: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier "HESS.c", line 149: error: expected a ";" 请问这是怎么了,我以前用的时候都没出现这个问题。请教大家了。 "HESS.c", line 150: error: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier "HESS.c",...
: expected a type specifier error: expected a ";" 这个错误。是CCS3.3编译器本身不支持__packed这种结构体成员的对齐方式 wumiaohui 2018-06-21 10:16:55 align为什么要8字节对齐? 我知道数据储存的起始地址%对齐字节(N)=0才行,但是我不明白有两点问题1:UCOSIII的系统中的浮点数打印任务的堆栈大小要8字...
expected a "}" "../hello.c", line 397: error #80: expected a type specifier "../hello.c", line 397: error #80: expected a type specifier "../hello.c", line 397: warning #78-D: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier "../hello.c", line 397:...
You have attempted to combine the Shared modifier with a specifier, such as Overridable, NotOverridable, or MustOverride, that is not valid in such a combination on a method declaration.Error ID: BC30501To correct this errorRemove the specifier....
'<name>'은(는) <specifier2> '<type2>'을(를) 통해 <specifier1> '<type1>'에 구현하고 있는 이벤트의 내부 대리자 형식 '<delegatetype>'에 사용된 '<type>' 형식을 노출할 수 없습니다. '<name>'은(는) <name>...
"C:/ti/tirtos_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_20_00_06/products/bios_6_46_00_23/packages/ti/sysbios/BIOS.c", line 1: warning: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier "C:/ti/tirtos_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_20_00_06/products/bios_6_46_00_23/pack...
a newline "../evmc665x_gpio.c", line 1: error #915: invalid character in input line "../evmc665x_gpio.c", line 1: error #7: unrecognized token "../evmc665x_gpio.c", line 1: error #78-D: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier "../evmc6...