Resonac Corporation, and Mitsubishi UBE Cement Corporation, has won a bid to conduct engineering design work for the CCS project southern Offshore Peninsular Malaysia, following a public call for bids by the Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC) to select Advanced CCS Projects...
CCS Corporation is one of the top companies in the mining & ceramic industry in Malaysia. We supply ball clay, plastic clay, processed clay, feldspar & kaolin.
Malaysian oil and gas company, Petronas has signed two project development agreements with American multinational oil and gas corporation, ExxonMobil to jointly pursue carbon capture and storage (CCS) activation projects in Malaysia. Under the agreements, both parties will define next steps, including ...
2007年10月(平成19日) -承销东商印刷株式会社的第三方配股,使该公司成为合并子公司。 2008年7月 - 收购SNP Corporation Limited(现为凸版利丰私人有限公司)。 2009年4月 - 制造部门分离为独立公司,并成立凸版通讯产品有限公司、凸版封装产品有限公司和凸版电子产品有限公司。新建深谷工厂,作为功能性薄膜的生产基地。
1830782084U3543 GRANDGLORY 利比里亚 BV 1984散货船 StamfordNavigation孟买Inc.OesterreichischerLloyd汤斯维尔Seereederei(Cyprus)LimitedANMARINTERNATIONALElefsisSHIPPINGCO.,LTD 印度 2009.01.29 2938348108G0092 MCPSALZBUR塞浦路斯GMUNZUR巴拿马 GL 2008杂货船 澳大利亚2009.02.02 3950876808K0095 PMS 2008杂货船 希腊 200...
住友橡胶工业株式会社是一家住友集团公司,总部位于兵库县神户市中央区胁滨町,生产轮胎、体育用品等。隶属于住友集团白水会。JPX-日经指数 400的成分股之一[2]。轮胎排名世界第五位,仅次于德国大陆集团。在欧洲和美国,该公司于1999年至2015年与固特异成立了 合资公司。
According to MyCC, the Proposals are intended to bring Malaysian competition law “in line with international best practice standard (sic)” and to enable MyCC to “effectively perform its statutory functions” as a competition law regulator. ...