首先访问ACM Library:https://dl.acm.org/ccs 选择论文研究方向 选择论文所属的细化分支 点击“Assign this CSS Concept” 点击Generate Code即可得到对应的Css Concepts:
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Concept HMI Centric Architecture HMI Centric Success Story Solution semi-conducteurs Recherche Solution HMI Design Studio Concept Introduction BLUE BLUE Open Studio GP-Pro EX Assistance et services Downloads Base de connaissances (FAQs) Assistance À propos de Pro-face Notre ADN Notre histoire ...
Methane production via syngas fermentation within the bio-CCS concept: A techno-economic assessmentBio-SNGSyngas fermentationProcess modellingBio-energy with carbon capture and storagePolicy schemesCarbon footprint analysisThe study provides a comprehensive approach on assessing the feasibility of a novel ...
Although the concept of people may generally point to money remittance companies, some foreign currency exchange companies have also services of this kind. A foreign exchange company which is a non-bank entity offers currency exchange and cross-country payments to individuals and companies using ...
Link:https://doi.org/10.31635/ccschem.024.202400726ed1 扫码在线阅读 扫描或长按左侧二维码, 在线阅读全文 Author Spotlight 本期Author Spotlight邀请了中国科学院化学研究所 王其强、山东大学 王旭、浙江大学 李伟、美国宾夕法尼亚大学 蒋圆闻四位老师分享科研经历中独特...
in tRNAs into a newN6-cyanomethyl adenosine in live cells. Notably, most endogenous biomacromolecular functions, including other common RNA epigenetics, remain unaffected. This research validates the concept of transforming natural epigenetic modifications in RNAs ...
大小写变形:CCsCCSCcs 实用场景例句 全部 CCSparticularly appeals to politicians reluctant to limit the use of coal. 对于那些不愿意限制煤炭利用的政界人士来说,CCS技术特别具有吸引力. 互联网 The concept ofCCSis considered vital to the against global warming. ...
每年的新车大展,总是会有几台来自CCS的校友!很多帅到不行的车像是Chrysler Crossfire,Ford GT40 Concept这些都出自于CCS毕业生设计。 CCS与Art Center都属于顶尖的汽车设计专业的学校,不过他们在教学风格上有很大差别。笼统来说,Art Center更注重概念探索,CCS以落实、与市场与实际结合、能量产为大的方向。