如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。 https://e2e.ti.com/support/tools/code-composer-studio-group/ccs/f/code-composer-studio-forum/566735/ccs-errors-in-compile-code-in-inherited-code-please-need-help-resolving-the-issues-so-i-can-start-supporting-the-project ...
Codestring 请求状态码。返回 OK 代表请求成功。 OK Successboolean 调用接口是否成功。取值: true:成功。 false:失败。 true 示例 正常返回示例 JSON格式 {"RequestId":"D9CB3933-9FE3-4870-BA8E-2BEE91B69D23","Message":"successful","Data":[{"RobotType":"CUSTOM","AtSence":"新房销售","AtProfe...
Map<String, List<GroupByScodeDTO>> collect = dtos.stream() .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(GroupByScodeDTO::getYear));---分组返回map,也可分组统计 每个一时间中按照二维条件聚合 dto来源于搜索结果 cdto来源dto cdtos.add(cdto); Map<String, List<ConditionDTO>> collect3 = cdtos.stream() .collec...
. When looking under the list of platforms there doesn't exist one named ...DM3730or ...DM37xx or anything else to relate to that series of chip. I know the platforms are board dependent, just looking to get this to compile. ccsv5.3 Main Tab: Family (A...
I created custom array adapter for my spinner control but when clicking an item from the list it's not selected. Here my code: And the spinner layout: That's how I use the adapter: You need to return ... Is it possible to query the most recent additions to a table/column family in...
(2)打开CCS3.3,在Code Coposer Studio Setup中设置所使用的目标DSP型号及仿真器型号。若需要使用CCS的软件仿真功能,可在Platform下选择Simulator。 (3)打开MATLAB,在命令窗口输入ccsboardinfo,则会显示DSP和仿真器型号,选择与所使用相符合的DSP和仿真器型号,并记录下相应的仿真器编号Board Num与DSP编号Proc Num。
CCS(code composer studio)的安装包在打开报错的解决方案 ,运行安装程序的时候,总是报错,错误显示如下: 这种情况下有两种可能,一种是你的安装包的路径中含有中文,CCS对中文非常的不友好,如果路径有中文就会报错,另一种就是你的用户名是中文,我的问题就是第二种。 错误内容中显示是需要创建一个临时文件夹,而这个...
Code string 请求状态码。返回 200 代表请求成功。 200 Success string 调用接口是否成功。取值: true:成功。 false:失败。 true 返回参数 Rows 参数说明: group_name:技能组名称 group_id:技能组 ID department_id:部门 ID department_name:部门名称 date_id:日期 tenant_id:租户 ID tenant_name:租户名称 curre...
[FAQ] CCSTUDIO-MSP: 如何在 Code Composer Studio (CCS) 中手动选择 JTAG 接口类型 Part Number:CCSTUDIO-MSP 默认情况下,CCS 将根据器件和调试器自动检测 JTAG 接口。但是,您可能需要将接口类型手动更改为 2 线 SBW 或 4 线 JTAG。目前,CCS 不允许您在不对驱...
Submissions whose claimed contributions rely on artifacts (e.g., code, models, data sets) are expected to make these accessible to the reviewers, unless there are good reasons not to, in which case these reasons must be mentioned in the submission. Submissions whose claimed contributions do not...