and any record not in our archives is eligible. Today we explore Creedence Clearwater Revival’s improbable stardom with 1970’s Cosmo’s Factory.每个星期天,Pitchfork都会深入查看过去的重要专辑,任何不在我们的档案中的专辑都符合条件。今天
During your Creedence years, you usedRickenbackers, Les Pauls - the black '68 Les Paul Custom, of course. Did John Fogerty go to Vietnam? Short answer: He did, and althoughFogerty wasn't sent to Vietnam, he served in the Army from 1966 to 1968, per Fort Knox News....
you might guess that "Down on the Corner" was a folk song handed down a few generations, instead of something Fogerty wrote in 1969. But the majority of the songs on "Willy
you might guess that "Down on the Corner" was a folk song handed down a few generations, instead of something Fogerty wrote in 1969. But the majority of the songs on "Willy