The CCPS Strategic Plan 2018-23 An Overview of the Second Pillar – Engage November 13, 2018 CCPS Mission Statement The Mission of Charles City Public Schools is to develop self-sustaining, responsible and educated adults who can contribute and work to improve their community and the world. CCPS...
Shakeel Kadri, Executive Director of CCPS, explained the critical importance of the undergraduate workshops, noting that “employers tell CCPS that they need engineers who are better trained in process safety when they enter the workforce.” However, Kadri added, chemical engineering schools around the...
-Enhancingusefulnessoftheprofessiontothepublic-Achievingbettertrainingandupdatingofchemicalengineers-Buildingrelationshipswithacademia,research,industry,and otherprofessionalbodiesforacceleratingindustrializationofthecountry.5 ABriefHistory 19081922 1954 1970 1985 2003-2012 Founded 1stprofessiontoaccreditschoolsensure...