CCNx is the ultimate FM solution for any fleet size. As a fully integrated extension of CCN, CCNx is able to leverage the data and powerful analytics of your current waste management operation managed through CCN and turn your manually scheduled routes into fully optimized routes using machine ...
ccndstart ccnchat ccnx:/ 多人的时候,可以使用 ccndc add ccnx:/ udp other's ip 小问题:在测试时发现在不同的局域网中的两台电脑上好像不太好使,不知道为什么。
secure the conversation not the transmitted content (ex : spam) Introduction to Content Centric Networking, and the CCNx framework 9 / 84 Introduction CCN architecture Management/Security Deployment Experimentation Conclusion Objectives of this tutorial The bright way to speak about CCN : like ...
CCNx版本:0.7.0 1.系统安装(VirtualBox4.2.10 +Ubuntu12.04 Desktop)简要描述,如需探讨邮件联系:下载ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-i386.iso;运行daemon tools lite,已经在本地安装,不过在程序组件里未能找到,在C盘的Program Files下找到;加入镜像文件,映射虚拟光驱;启动VirtualBox,新建虚拟机;启动新建的...
1. 首先在安装ccnx时需要openjdk-6-jre-lib支持,因此需要将原来的JDK注释掉。 下载openjdk: sudoapt-getinstallopenjdk-6-jdk 因为注释掉/etc/profile中关于sunJDK部分后还是没办法自动替换,因此将/etc/profile中JAVA_HOME的路径进行了修改 JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/ ...
ccnFileProxy是CCNx中文件代理服务器的例子,提供一种类似共享文件夹的功能。实例运行步骤:一.单机版 1.输入ccndstart启动服务 2.使用cd命令进入ccnx-0.6.2/apps/ccnFileProxy/tools 目录 3.输入命令 ./ccnfileproxy /home/ice/123 此时即可将文件夹123共享,在ccnx中的地址为默认的 ccnx:/ ...
Tu, "Ccnxtomcat: An extended web server for content-centric networking," Computer Networks, vol. 75, no. Part A, pp. 276-296, Dec. 2014. [Online]. Available: article/pii/S1389128614003697CCNxTomcat: An extended web server for Content-Centric ...
#CCNx常用命令记录CCNx版本为0.8.2 ##ccndstart 启动ccnd 查看ccnd设置的环境变量使用命令: ccnd -h 设置环境变量可以通过修改 ~/.profile,即: vi ~/.profile #在末尾添加要设置的变量,保存,如: #将ccnd的启动运行日志保存在 ~/CCN/log/ccnd_log 文件中 export CCND_LOG=$HOME/CCN/log/ccnd_log #或者...
For more information about Project CCNx, see our website at This file provides introductory information in the following sections: Package contents Supported platforms and development tools Build and install instructions Running the programs Runtime files Support and contact infor...