HA:公顷 ho:医院 HA/HO:公顷/医院 GRD:希腊 CC:可可群岛 MPP/BOX/TWN:边际产量TWN纸盒/ /
Metal elemanlar, yapnn ereve gzlerine yerletirildiinde yapya giren deprem enerjisini plastik deformasyon yaparak tüke... H. zkaynak - 《Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences》 被引量: 0发表: 2017年 COMPOSITION CONTAINING 3,3'-DIINDOLYMETHANE AS ACTIVE INGREDIENT FOR PREVENTING ...
Optical Systems CCoommppuutteerr SSooffttwwaarree for Motorized Attenuators ● Control of single stepper motor with two wheels and up to 8 filters in every wheel ● Three different transmittance tables can be configured for three different wavelengths ● Operation in transmittance and optical density...
C Coommppaarriissoonn ooff aa lliimmiitteedd ccoommppuutteerriizzeedd ddiiaaggnnoossttiicc s syysstteemm ((RReessCCaarree AAuuttoosseett "")) wwiitthh ppoo... C Coommppaarriissoonn ooff aa lliimmiitteedd ccoommppuutteerriizzeedd ddiiaaggnnoossttiicc s syysstteemm ((RReessCCaa...
字体家族名称: 28 Days Later( 字体子家族名称: Regular 统一字体标识: 28 Days Later( 常规:Version 0.00 字体全名: 28 Days Later( 版本: Version 0.00 June 25, 2014 PostScript名称:度量...