CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction (CCF TPCI)自2019年创刊以来,得到业界学者的支持和厚爱,共出版4卷,16期,102篇论文,论文质量保持较高水平,论文作者涵盖二十多个国家和地区,很多优秀论文得到相关领域研究人员的广泛认可,在此公布自创刊以来下载次数排名前10的论文(数据截止2022年12月18日),与...
This special issue on Human-Centered Cooperative Computing (HCCC) of CCF TPCI is to bring together work to better understand and address various issues brought about with the advancement of computing, and cooperative computing particular, not only from technical but also from social perspectives. It ...
This special issue on Human-Centered Cooperative Computing (HCCC) of CCF TPCI is to bring together work to better understand and address various issues brought about with the advancement of computing, and cooperative computing ...
This special issue on Human-Centered Cooperative Computing (HCCC) of CCF TPCI is to bring together work to better understand and address various issues brought about with the advancement of computing, and cooperative computing particular, not only from technical but also from social perspectives. It ...