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CCF A类会议 —— AAAI2022 论文审稿模板 === 前段时间为实验室负责审理AAAI 2022的会议稿件,感觉这个审稿模板还是不错的,这里保存一下,以后审理其他期刊、会议的时候可以参考这个模板。 === Thank you for your contribution to AAAI 2022. Edit Review Paper ID Paper Title Track Main Track REVIEW QUESTIONS ...
1. By taking this review assignment and checking on "I agree" below, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the reviewer guidelines. * (visible to meta-reviewers) I agree 2. Summary. In 5-7 sentences, describe the key ideas, experimental or theoretical results, and their significance...
CCF A类会议 —— AAAI2022 论文审稿模板 === 前段时间为实验室负责审理AAAI 2022的会议稿件,感觉这个审稿模板还是不错的,这里保存一下,以后审理其他期刊、会议的时候可以参考这个模板。 === Thank you for your contribution to AAAI 2022. Edit Review Paper ID Paper Title Track Main Track REVIEW QUESTIONS ...
CCF A类会议 —— CVPR 2022 论文审稿模板 === Edit Review Thank you for accepting to serve as a reviewer for CVPR 2022! Reviews are due by January 14, 2022. Important reviewer information: Reviewer guidelines Reviewer tutorial slides Reviewer tutorial video...
CCF A类会议 —— AAAI2022 论文审稿模板 === 前段时间为实验室负责审理AAAI 2022的会议稿件,感觉这个审稿模板还是不错的,这里保存一下,以后审理其他期刊、会议的时候可以参考这个模板。 === Thank you for your contribution to AAAI 2022. Edit Review Paper ID Paper...
Reviews are due by January 14, 2022. Important reviewer information: Reviewer guidelines Reviewer tutorial slides Reviewer tutorial video Notes: (1) Reviewer questions marked with * are mandatory. (2) Reviewer questions 14 and 15 are currently disabled and do not need to be completed for now. ...