有详细的说明书最好~~... 家里有台老式的“SONY CCD-TRV23E摄录放像一体机”不知道可不可以把磁带的录像转存到电脑里面?有详细的说明书最好~~ 展开 sad951 采纳率:58% 等级:6 已帮助:9人 私信TA向TA提问 1个回答 hyht2 2014.09.13 hyht2 采纳率:56% 等级:11 已帮助:8493人 私信TA向TA提问满...
The best'studied is the ras protein family, which has been the focus of ill- tense research for several years because mutant alleles are frequently observed in some human tumors [1], Other members of this family that are related to ras arc the ral ...