CCD Delete all Manufacturers A Andor Technology(2) H HORIBA Scientific(1) Submit Types ultraviolet(1) Raman(1) Submit Domain for spectroscopy(1) for OEM(1) laboratory(1) for the chemical industry(1) Submit Configuration compact(2) modular(2) ...
DomainAppender, DomainCrawler, Domain Re-Animator Bot, Domain Research Project, Domains Project, DomainStatsBot, DotBot, Dotcom Monitor, DuckDuckGo Bot, Easou Spider, eCairn-Grabber, EFF Do Not Track Verifier, EMail Exractor, EmailWolf, Embedly, Entfer, evc-batch, Everyfeed, ExaBot, ExactSeek...
Domain_Agnostic_Contrastive_Representations_for_Learning_from_Label_Proportions KNF On_Combining_Bags_to_Better_Learn_from_Label_Proportions OpenMSD STraTA aav abps abstract_nas action_angle_networks action_gap_rl activation_clustering active_selective_prediction adaptive_learning_rate_tuner adaptive_pred...
He was inspired by the proprietors of the "driving espresso brand in Germany, — Tchibo". This motivation gave Siddhartha a dream of an alternate world generally speaking and opened his eyes. It likewise gave a heavenly idea. With that thought, cup by cup he made his billion-dollar domain....
hv_PolarHeight, "bilinear");Rectangle1Domain(ho_PolarTransImage, &ho_SearchImageReduced, m_hv_Ro...
Structures of mCcd1 and zCcd1 DIX domains were determined by multiple wavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) using selenomethionine-substituted protein crystals and a molecular replacement method with the mCcd1 DIX domain as a search model, respectively. Subsequently, mCcd1 and zCcd1 structures were ...
Reports on integration-time-based, time domain computation that provides an area-efficient way to process image information by directly handling photo-created charge during photo-sensing. Charge-coupled device (CCD)-based range-finding image sensor; Test cell experiment; One-dimensional-array range-...
ansible使用了一个DSL(domain-specific language)描述服务器状态。执行的文件称为playbook,文件格式为yaml。ansible简约而不简单。比起puppet的繁琐的配置和复杂语法( Puppet基础篇4-安装、配置并使用Puppet | Puppet运维自动化经验分享 ),简直是一股清流。 图2描述了ansible执行过程,执行了两个task和一...
domain 否 String 服务端证书所签的域名。默认值:null; 支持的最大字符长度:100 取值范围: 普通域名由若干字符串组成,总长度为0-100,字符串间以"."分割,单个字符串长度不超过63个字符,只能包含英文字母、数字或"-",且必须以字母或数字开头和结尾。 泛域名在普通域名的基础上仅允许首字母为"*"。