地址:香港九龍灣宏照道18號中國建設銀行中心 / 電話:317 95533 / 電郵:按cs_contact@asia.ccb.com。 China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited Address: CCB Centre, 18 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong / Tel. No.: 317 95533 / Email: cs_contact@asia.ccb.com.若...
《CCB (Asia) Credit Card Online Application Tips》 Address must be filled in English letters or numbers.For example, King's Road should be filled as Kings Road, omitting the punctuation. Office phone number is required. Duration of service cannot be greater than applicant's age. Accepts ...
From January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022, CCB (Asia) customers who register for eStatement via the online registration form below and confirm to set up new eStatement(s)2forall banking account(s)1, securities trading account(s) and credit card account(s) held in your sole namewill be...
請由此端開始傳真至3111 6104 / 上傳至https://www.asia.ccb.com/hk/docup Please fax to 3111 6104 with this end first / upload to https://www.asia.ccb.com/hk/docup/en 本人欲以現持有之八達通 申請 / 更改八達通自動增值服務(「自動增值服務」)I would like to apply / change for the ...
Address: 11/F Devon House, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Telephone: (852) 3718 2288 Fax: (852) 3718 3273 SWIFT: CCBQHKAX Website:http://www.asia.ccb.com/ China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited [“CCB (Asia)”] is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ...
JD today announced that it will be partnering with CCB (Asia) and Mastercard to issue a CCB (Asia) JD Mastercard Credit Card in Hong Kong
Summer is a time for shopping sprees. To ride the heat wave,Henderson Land Development’s seven shopping malls join hands with the CCB (Asia) Credit Card to bring the Summer Shopping Spree event. From July 1 to August 31, 2021, H·COINS members who spend designa...
Credit card reissuing of China Construction Bank (Asia) Finance Limited (formerly known as AIG Finance (Hong Kong) Limited) was substantially completed. 440,000 credit card holders started to use the new cards. In addition, the business integration of CCB Asia and the subsidiary engaged in ...
the Turkish name for India. The reference(涉及)to India probably comes from the old wrong idea that the New World was in Eastern Asia. The French call it "dinde",a name that also connects the bird to India."Dinde" means "from India" in the French language."Turkey" has simi...
”Our target audience was males aged 17 to 25,” says Marcus Spurrell, Adidas regional manager for Asia. ”Their mobiles are always on, always in their pocket-you just can't 44 cell phones as an advertising tool." Mobile—phone marketing has become as 45 a platform as TV, online or ...