搜寻「CCB Asia」或「CCB HK&MO」 下载Android安装档* 版本: 请注意,如您不能进入Google Play下载应用程序,我们才建议您可由我们的网站下载apk档。 如您无法下载apk档案,请到手机浏览器的「设定」→「私隐权和安全性」,剔选「一律使用安全连线」后重试。
"CCB (Asia) Business Mobile App 1 + 1" Welcome Offer. During the promotion period from now until July 31, 2024, CCB (Asia) eligible customers can enjoy up to HK$250 Cash Reward Upon Registration. Experience a Diverse Range of Enterprise Banking Services.
Brand New Interfaces Make Wealth Management a Breeze! CCB (Asia) has upgraded its Mobile Banking interfaces with streamlined functions and smart screen displays, facilitating your wealth management with greater ease. Experience the refreshing, quicker and smarter Mobile Banking Service like never before!
CCB (Asia) offers a diverse range of professional wealth management solutions, empowering you to capture wealth-building opportunities and seize a realm of abundant rewards. From January 2 to March 31, 2025, eligible customers1who have successfully placed and completed transactions of the respective ...
China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited (“Bank”) customer service hotline +852 2779 5533 The e-CNY held in the wallets (including CCB Wallets) are not deposits in the regular bank accounts. Accordingly, the e-CNY amounts held in the wallets (including CCB Wallets) are not prot...
CCB (Asia) UnionPay Dual Currency Credit Card combines both RMB and HK$ credit card accounts in one card. Whether you spend in China, Hong Kong or overseas, you can enjoy better foreign currency exchange rate. China spending is settled in RMB, while spending in Hong Kong and o...
CCB (Asia) UnionPay Dual Currency Credit Card combines both RMB and HK$ credit card accounts in one card. Whether you spend in China, Hong Kong or overseas, you can enjoy better foreign currency exchange rate. China spending is settled in RMB, while spending in Hong Kong and overseas is ...
Through CCB (Asia)’s ‘Account Opening Witness Service’ , you can now use a Hong Kong or Mainland mobile number to open an account with Mainland China Construction Bank (CCB) without the need to cross the border and easily check account status on Mainland CCB Mobile Banking and Online Ban...
中国建设银行(亚洲)股份有限公司 China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited 新闻稿 Press Release 即时发布 建行(亚洲)成功为恒基地产发放双边贷款 为香港房地产企业首笔社会责任贷款 香港 – 2022年9月20日 – 中国建设银行(亚洲)股份有限公司("建行(亚洲)")成功 为恒基兆业地产有限公司("恒基地产",港...