如果系统返回了ccache的版本信息,说明ccache已经安装。如果仍然提示“command not found”,则需要进行下一步的安装操作。 2. 查找适合用户操作系统的ccache安装方法ccache的安装方法因操作系统而异。以下是一些常见操作系统的安装方法: Ubuntu/Debian: bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ccache ...
iOS小记--/usr/libexec/xpccachectl: command not found 这里的问题是关于Xcode的,自Xcode8起,注释快捷键偶尔会出问题,这是在如图区域B的部分会出现灰色。 屏幕快照 2018-02-05 10.37.18.png 一搜索好嘛,几乎全是这个方法: sudo /usr/libexec/xpccachectl 然鹅,这个方法是历史的产物,在High Sierra的系统里...
time_macros,include_file_mtime,include_file_ctime,file_stat_matches # 指定日志文件路径到桌面,等下排查集成问题有用,集成成功后删除,否则很占磁盘空间 export CCACHE_LOGFILE=~/Desktop/CCache.log exec ccache /usr/bin/clang "$
{ccache_command}") set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER "${ccache_command}" CACHE FILEPATH "") set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER "${ccache_command}" CACHE FILEPATH "") else() message(STATUS "Not found: ccache. Install it and put it into the PATH if you want to speed up partial builds.")...
ERROR: /usr/local/google/home/ningr/.cache/bazel/_bazel_ningr/5cdbcab7751afe004080d5ce1e95b149/external/gflags_git/BUILD.bazel:7:1: C++ compilation of rule '@gflags_git//:gflags' failed (Exit 1): gcc failed: error executing command (cd /usr/local/google/home/ningr/.cache/bazel/_...
(COMMAND chmod a+rx "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/launch-c" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/launch-cxx") # Set Xcode project attributes to route compilation through our scripts set(CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_CC "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/launch-c") set(CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_CXX "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/launch-...
:17 (message): CCache is not found...rapidjson=1: /Users/bytedance/soft/ClickHouse/contrib/rapidjson/include -- ODBC is only supported on Linux...care to add prlimit in command line before ccache, or else ccache thinks that # prlimit is compiler,...OR OS_ANDROID) include(cmake/linux/de...
if command -v ldd >/dev/null && \ ldd --version 2>&1 | grep -q ^musl then LIBC=musl fi ;; esac # Note: order is significant - the case branches are not exclusive.case "$UNAME_MACHINE:$UNAME_SYSTEM:$UNAME_RELEASE:$UNAME_VERSION" in ...
even when cross-compiling to iOS, tvOS, etc. CMake will select the correct compiler and the re-routing scripts will use it rather than relying on some hard-coded location. A minor drawback is that theproject()command is not testing the compiler through the launcher script when using Xcode...
so I think this error comes from the tmp file is deleted when one compile command hit,the problem is who delete the tmp file???the ccahce size is not full.then I found every time one compile command enter ccahe main would run this function ,did I catch the real reason ?How do I ...