我有一个foo_binary.cc,其构建文件如下所示: cc_binary ( name = "foo_binary", srcs = ["foo_binary.cc", ], linkopts = ["-lm"], defines = ["__flag1__"], deps = ["//.../foo_library",]) 上面定义的标志可以采用两个值:"flag1“或"flag2”。使用#ifdef,在foo_library.h文件中使...
假设boost库的本地路径是c:\boost_1_72_0,其中有三个文件夹bin、include和lib 如果是这样的话,如何告诉编译器和链接器:路径包括文件路径到库文件boost库特定的.lib文件要链接(即) 我已经尝试了下面的cc_library,但不幸的是它没有成功。 cc_library( name = "boost", srcs = glob(["*.lib 浏览0提问...
No response Any other information, logs, or outputs that you want to share? No response The way to depend on acc_shared_libraryis to list it in thedynamic_depsof acc_testorcc_binary. It will then be used instead of thedepsthat it exports. This ensures that you won't run into duplica...
cc_binary for producing a shared library is something of a hack. We could consider it a cc_library, but with a feature that says - actually link all my dependencies together into one object, and then become a shared_library. there is some need for a cc_interface_library. This would hav...
my_library) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 解释代码 cc_prebuilt_binary:这是我们用来定义预编译库的指令。 IMPORTED_LOCATION:指定了预编译库的路径,现在是指向my_library.so文件。 target_link_libraries:将预编译的库链接到我们的项目。
OpenCV概述极简版 一、定义 二、来源 三、作用 四、历史 五、解决问题 六、编程语言 七、操作系统支持 好啦,正题在下面 一、定义 OpenCV的全称是Open Source Computer Vision Library,是一个跨平台的计算机视觉库。 二、来源 OpenCV是由英特尔公司发起并参与开发,以BSD许可证授权发行,可以在商业和研究领域中免费使...
Specifies the Office Drawing, or OfficeArt, binary file format. This file format exists as part of various Microsoft Office
Specifies the Word (.doc) Binary File Format, which is the binary file format used by Microsoft Word 97, Microsoft Word
windows开发机运行spark程序,抛出异常:ERROR Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path,但是可以正常执行,并不影响结果。 18/07/0219:46:08WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop libraryforyour platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable18/07/0219:46...
cc_library_static { name: "libCommon", srcs: ["Common.cpp"], export_include_dirs: ["."], } Foo/Android.bp: cc_library_shared { name: "libFoo", static_libs: ["libCommon"], srcs: ["Foo.cpp"], } That works best if the common code is actually common, and doesn't need to ...