>>> [Build Driver List - USB\VID_0451&PID_16AA\53556723123784071545] >>> Section start 2017/08/10 14:50:50.329 cmd: "C:\windows\system32\mmc.exe" "C:\windows\system32\devmgmt.msc" dvi: Searching for hardware ID(s): dvi: usb\vid_0451&pid_16aa&rev_0009 dvi: usb\vid_...
I have downloaded the last drivers 1.1.a and tried to manually install the driver. When I check the installed driver on Windows Device Manager, the device Status is "This device cannot start (code 10)" Any help / support to have this dongle working on my PC ?
您在安装使用的USB dongle的时候应该该Dongle会配套一份driver或者程序。TI的CC2540 dongle在Windows XP, Windows7上都能跑,说明要支持BLE只要dongle本身,然后对应的driver和软件能够支持就行了。 如果是PC自带的协议栈,这个我也不太精通...
I am trying to install driver for my CC2540 usb dongle in my Windows 8 OS pc. but it is showing error message. i am selecting driver path "C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-1.3\Accessories\Drivers" as shown in below image error is coming ...
I'm using CC2540 USB Dongle. The driver installation is only manually possible, but i need it for my application automatically. how can I make it under windows XP / 7. Thanks for the support. You need to buy VID/PID from USB forum. Then create your own dr...
4.插入MT-USBDongle到电脑USB接口,可以在PacketSniffer软件窗口底部Selectcapturing device中看到CC2540USB Dongle设备,如下图。选择该设备,然后单击菜单栏下面蓝色小三角按钮(开始抓包按钮)即可进行数据包的捕获。 5.如果附近存在从机设备在广播信息,那么Packet Sniffer软件中就会显示其广播数据。点击蓝牙双竖条就可停止捕...
Other Parts Discussed in Thread:TUSB3410,BLE-STACK Hi, I have installed the RFStudio 7 which includes all necessary drivers as suggested on some of the post but windows recognizes the Cable Connection Devices. I have noticed one thing when adding device manually that there are many options for...
I am trying to install driver for my CC2540 usb dongle in my Windows 8 OS pc. but it is showing error message. i am selecting driver path "C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-1.3\Accessories\Drivers" as shown in below image error is coming please suggest ...
When you connect the USB power to Dongle & CC Debugger, the USB Driver will not install. (correctly) You have to do this manually, Go to windows hardware devices manager and right click on "unknown USB device with warning icon" Click update driver and then browse to the .inf (pointer)...
CC2540 USB dongle Windows7 64 driver Jan Althaus Prodigy90points Other Parts Discussed in Thread:CC2540 Hi, I'm having some trouble getting the CC2540 USB dongle to work with BTool. I'm following the instructions in this documenthttp://www.ti.com/lit/ug/swru301a/swru301a.pdf, but th...