Project Zero for the CC1350 LaunchPad Congratulations on choosing the CC1350 Wireless MCU and LaunchPad ecosystem! This example will show you how to build/compile your own images for use with the BLE OAD service using Code Composer Studio. Software Prerequisites Before starting on this tutorial y...
2 GPIOs for buttons 3 GPIOs for controlling the CC1190 when running CC1310-CC1190 Launchpad SPI to drive the LCD displays on the boards UART0 (115200 Baud) as an alternative display on VT100-compatible terminal emulators Resources & Jumper Settings If you’re using an IDE (such ...
2 GPIOs for buttons 3 GPIOs for controlling the CC1190 when running CC1310-CC1190 Launchpad SPI to drive the LCD displays on the boards UART0 (115200 Baud) as an alternative display on VT100-compatible terminal emulators Resources & Jumper Settings ...