Hi, I setup 2 ESP32 + CC1101, with 1 transmitting and 1 receiving. Things are fine if I use CC1101_Receive.ino code. Following is the serial output: [CC1101] Data: Hello World!Hello World!Hello World!Hello World! [CC1101] RSSI: -15.50 dB...
i have my esp-wroom-32 and my 8pin cc1101 (EO7-M11010) and i want it to receive 433.92 mhz signals i tried every single connection and code in the internet and no one worked. Im thinking that the problem could be the power(? i dont know what else to think or to do. even tho...
主营产品:CC1101无线射频模块;CC1310射频模块;nrf52x系列蓝牙模块;自发电模块/开关;cc2540蓝牙模块;AOA高精度定位基站;蓝牙信标ibeacon;CC2530 Zigbee模块;4G开发板;4G智能定位手环;4G蓝牙防水网关;4G智能定位手环;cc2500无线模块;WIFI蓝牙网关;蓝牙BLE5.0信标;蓝牙定位工牌;ESP32wifi模块;CC2541模块;cc2640模块;lora...
Model: WiFi multiboard NRF24+ESP32/NRF24 module GPIO module/CC1101 module/mouse module (optional)note: PCB version has been upgraded from yellow to greenApplicable models:For flipper zeroDifferent module models have different functions. Please purchase according to your model.Packaging: boxedPacking...
CC1101由 ESP32驱动-初始化代码将 RF Studio 设置写入寄存器。 如图所示、我尝试了所有三个数据包长度选项、但它不会改变输出。 SpiWriteReg (CC1101_SYNC1、0x2D); SpiWriteReg (CC1101_SYNC0、0xD4); SpiWriteReg (CC1101_PKTLEN、0x0E);
主营产品:CC1101无线射频模块;CC1310射频模块;nrf52x系列蓝牙模块;自发电模块/开关;cc2540蓝牙模块;AOA高精度定位基站;蓝牙信标ibeacon;CC2530 Zigbee模块;4G开发板;4G智能定位手环;4G蓝牙防水网关;4G智能定位手环;cc2500无线模块;WIFI蓝牙网关;蓝牙BLE5.0信标;蓝牙定位工牌;ESP32wifi模块;CC2541模块;cc2640模块;lora...
商品名称:Flipper Zero WiFi开发板NRF24ESP32 CC1101模块ESP8266模块飞鼠 WiFi开发版 商品编号:10102633329347 店铺:途知返亦传感器专营店 货号:754144915545十四mxt 货期:0.5W 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 京东平台卖家销售并发货的商品,由平台卖家提供发票和相应的售后服务。请您放心购买...
NES Controller – geek’s swiss army knife with ESP32 inside (ESP Thang) Using the ESP32 one can do the usual stuff with this setup. These are known by its predecessor the ESP8266. With the Arduino core for the ESP32 all the[…] ...
1-wifi function extension, default flash memory ESP32 Marauder firmware, support SD card data storage 2-2.4G module extension, supporting NRF sniffer and mouse hijacker functions 3-High gain CC1101 module, ultra wideband signal transmission and reception distance ...
ESP32 S3 WROOM 1 how to connect cc1101by gerdal » Thu Dec 09, 2021 1:44 pm I couldnt find the mosi miso sck and csn coresponding pins to connect a cc1101 modüle can someone help me?ESP_LJH Posts: 387 Joined: Tue May 18, 2021 9:21 am ...