/* 1byte CC1101 TRANSMITTER example. /* Tutorial link: http://electronoobs.com/eng_arduino_tut98.php * Code: http://electronoobs.com/eng_arduino_tut98_code1.php * Scheamtic: http://electronoobs.com/eng_arduino_tut98_sch1.php * Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube/c/electronoobs /...
but I thought it would work in all ESP32 boards, including the Nano. My concern is that while I have no problems with the pin configuration when using the WROOM and the Adafruit, I have an infinite loop of restarts when using the Arduino Nano. At least in the other Arduinos, I can ...
Code Issues Pull requests Arduino library for interfacing with CC1101 transceivers. arduino arduino-library transceiver cc1101 Updated Jan 1, 2021 C++ mcore1976 / cc1101-jammer Star 137 Code Issues Pull requests Example of using CC1101 module with Arduino Pro Micro ( ATMEGA32U4 ) for radio...
So here is the test, first setup you can find on ourwiki page link here, it is in the “Arduino Library Panstamp Use Guide” section. Wiring the CC1101 module to arduino with 7 pins as below: Download the library and uploaded the demo code, on the receiver end, we can check the s...
It needs Arduino for example чтореальноработаетнатакиерасстояния? funktioniert super! Du bekommst vorher sogar ein Foto wie es aussehen wird und bestätigst das dann. antena incluida?Sold by YX Electronic Components(Trader) Ship to Vietnam AliExpress...
but the .h and .cpp file both reference WProgram.h which as replaced by Arduino.h in Arduino 1.0. Rather than have to talk my readers through applying a fix to your library, I'd like your permission to put the modified lib into Github and add an example from the book. I would of ...
Opened the minimal receiver example in the Arduino IDE. Compiled the code for my esp32. Error Messages: The specific errors and warnings I encountered are: ELECHOUSE_CC1101_SRC_DRV.cpp:149:3: error: this 'while' clause does not guard... [-Werror=misleading-indentation] while(digitalRead(MI...
Copy all files under this project/lib/ and paste them into the Arduion library path (generally C:\Users\YourName\Documents\Arduino\libraries); Open the Arduion IDE and click File->Open in the upper left corner to open an example in this project/example/xxx/xxx.ino under this item; Then ...
When attempting to run the minimal receiver example from the Arduino library for the CC1101 module, I encountered several compilation errors and warnings. These occurred in the ELECHOUSE_CC1101_SRC_DRV.cpp file. Steps to Reproduce: Opene...
Example of using CC1101 module with Arduino Pro Micro ( ATMEGA32U4, 3.3V / 8MHz version ) for radio jamming. Alternatively Arduino Pro Mini (ATMEGA328P 3.3V / 8MHz) may be used. This device allows for programmable jamming of sub 1GHz frequency with 10mW signal of selected modulation type...