钛管质量轻,强度高,机械 它 应用于热交换设备,如列管式换热器、盘管式换热器、蛇形管式换热器、冷凝器、蒸发器和输送管道等。很多核电工业把钛管作为其机组标准用管。钛合金主要用于制作飞机发动机压气机部件,其次为火箭、高速飞机的结构件。 宝鸡市森杰金属有限公司坐落在 的中国钛谷宝鸡 开发区,是一家 从事钛、...
A joint position statement by the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), the European Society of Car... Improvements in software and hardware have enabled the integration of dual imaging modalities into hybrid systems, which allow combined acquisi... Albert,Flotats,Juhani,... - 《...
The Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale (PAIS-SR) is a frequently used self-report measure, yet its factor structure, reliability, and validity have not been tested adequately on a sample of persons with cancer. A group of persons with cancer (N = 502) completed the PAIS-SR and other...
The main parameters of compression of a target and tendencies at change in the irradiation conditions are determined by analyzing the published results of experiments at the megajoule National Ignition Facility (NIF) on the compression of capsules in indirect-irradiation targets by means of the one-...
招标人:河北港口集团有限公司秦皇岛中西医结合医院 招标代理:秦皇岛方圆港湾工程监理有限公司 联系人:*** 联系人电话:*** 开标时间:2024-10-10 09:00:00 公示开始时间:2024年10月11日 公示结束时间:2024年10月13日 秦皇岛达瓦医疗器械有限公司为第一中标候选人,杭州极智医疗科技有限公司为第二中标候选人,秦皇岛...
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摘要: PubMed comprises more than 23 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites. 关键词: lipodystrophy, intestinal Tropheryma whippelii diarrhea malabs...
联系人:*** 联系人电话:*** 开标时间:2024-10-10 09:00:00 公示开始时间:2024年10月11日 公示结束时间:2024年10月13日 秦皇岛达瓦医疗器械有限公司为第一中标候选人,杭州极智医疗科技有限公司为第二中标候选人,秦皇岛双健商贸有限公司为第三中标候选人。热门城市 保定市招标...