The recipients you add in the Bcc field are invisible to all other recipients (under To or Cc). Bcc is useful if you prefer to keep recipient email addresses private. It also means that the bcc'ed recipients will not receive any reply emails from the other recipients, even if they select...
Discover the meaning of CC in emails and learn when to effectively use it. We also cover the difference between CC & BCC.
Learn about the difference between CC and BCC. Discover how to use CC and BCC correctly. Get all the info with Spike.
5、BODY 正文扩展资料To/Cc/Bcc 行的使用第一种用法:实际使用,To 行填写信的读者,这些人以第二人称称呼,Cc 行写可能需要读信的但是不以第二人称称呼的那些人(也可能会在信件末尾附上一小段和他们的话),Bcc 行写需要匿名读信的人,绝对不在信件中以第二人称提到这些人。第二种用法:通常是代表组织...
BCC vs. CC email While the primary goal of the BCC field is to make email addresses invisible to recipients, the CC function aims to ensure individuals are kept in the loop so that they’re aware of what’s going on, but their immediate response isn’t always required. ...
In the case of CC, the prospective client can see that your manager has been included in the email. To avoid this, i.e. if you want to keep the carbon copy recipients private, you need to use the BCC field. All email addresses that are mentioned in the BCC field are kept hidden, ...
1. TO(收件人):这是邮件的主要接收者,预期他们会回复或者采取行动。2. CC(抄送):这些人也会收到邮件副本,但是发送者不期望他们直接回复。3. BCC(密抄):类似于CC,但是收件人不知道其他收到这封邮件的人是谁,保持匿名。4. SUBJECT(主题):简短地描述邮件内容,通常是名词短语,让收件人...
Using cc or bcc in email means that you send your message to one or more other people in addition to the primary recipients who are listed in the ‘to’ line. You might use cc and bcc when you want to send information to people you believe need to be informed, even though they are...
email之TO、CC、BCC意义 BCC英文全称是 Blind CarbonCopy(暗抄送)。 两者的差别在于在BCC栏中的收件人能够看到全部的收件人名(TO,CC,BCC),而在TO 和CC栏中的收件人看不到BBC的收件人名。 电子邮件能够有三种类型的收件人,分别to、cc(carbon copy)和bcc(blind carbon copy),各自是收件人、抄送、密送,事实上to和...
What’s CC and BCC in email? And which one should you use? Here’s everything you need to know to use CC and BCC like a pro.